Arab Women’s Gathering at HOPE 06/07/2024

On 06/07/2024, we had around 35 Arab women leaders coming for a special meeting here at HOPE. The women joining us came from different churches around the Galilee. Our time of fellowship was very deep, and it was very important for us to come together. We had not seen each other for a long time, so it was a good reunion bringing unity among the mothers of the land. We could sense the heart of the Father and His love, as we stood together supporting one another in these troubling and challenging times in the midst of a war. Our time of worship was really powerful, and our prayers were focussed on the situation in the land, for our government and leaders, and for the Arabs in Gaza, but we were also praying against the violence within the Arab community in Israel.

Furthermore, I shared a word of encouragement from the Book of Nehemiah and the call to build a wall together and cast a vision that we should continue to stand and build together in unity, because the Lord will fight for us. The main verse I was sharing on was Nehemiah 4:20, where it says, “Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us!” (NIV). It was all about sounding the trumpet. I then announced the 40 days of fasting and called the women to join us in this fast, encouraging them to take the initiative “to build a wall” and “straighten the bars of the gates” in their cities and the places they are positioned in, as they walk around the city praying. Finally, we broke bread together, prayed for one another, and encouraged each other in the Lord. We had a wonderful time of fellowship around a very rich and good meal, which one of our staff, one of the mothers, had prepared for us.

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