Middle East War Update February 2025

The ceasefire with Hezbollah, which was supposed to have ended on January 26, has been extended to February 18, and it might be extended further, as Hezbollah still has not fulfilled the requirements of leaving Southern Lebanon and letting the Lebanese Army be in charge. As long as this requirement is not fulfilled, the IDF will remain in Southern Lebanon in order to keep Hezbollah away from the border.

On January 19, a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas in Gaza also came into place. Even though all Israel is rejoicing in seeing some of our hostages returning back home again, the agreement is far from a good deal for Israel, as it came with a very heavy price to pay. For every hostage coming home alive, 30-50 Palestinian terrorists must be released from an Israeli prison, including some with blood on their hands being responsible for terror attacks in the past. There is of course a great concern that many of those will return to terror and plan new attacks after their release. Furthermore, according to the agreement much humanitarian aid must be brought into Gaza, which is unfortunately not given to the people of Gaza freely, but sold to them by Hamas to extensive prices. This way Hamas has gained much money, which they are using to rearm and to hire more terrorists as replacement for all those who were eliminated by the IDF during the war.

Since the beginning of the ceasefire on January 19, 16 Israeli hostages as well as five Thai nationals, who were working in agriculture in Israel, were released from captivity and brought back home again. Though we are rejoicing for every hostage returning home, we are also aware that not all of 76 hostages who are still held in Gaza will return back home alive, unfortunately. Within this current ceasefire agreement, we know that only nine of the 17 hostages who are scheduled to be released within the first coming weeks, are still alive. Furthermore, there is a great concern about the health condition of the remaining alive hostages. The three male hostages who were released last Saturday, 8/2/2025, had been severely starved and also tortured in their captivity, and they looked mostly like Holocaust survivors upon their release. Finally, the current deal is very unsecure with several violations by Hamas. Should it collapse, the IDF is ready to return to war in Gaza.

Middle East War Update January 2025

Since November 27, a temporary ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon has been in place, but even though Hezbollah has not totally kept their part of agreement not to fire any rockets, the situation in Northern Israel is much quieter now. The Lebanese Army has been deployed to keep Hezbollah away from the Israeli border, and the IDF has also been allowed to stay in Southern Lebanon for now to make sure that part of the deal is kept.

Shortly after the ceasefire with Hezbollah in Lebanon went into effect, the Syrian rebels grabbed their opportunity to conquer more and more land including Damascus, thus finally overthrowing the Assad regime, forcing former president Bashar al-Assad to flee the country. It is well known that Assad was ruling Syria as a dictator, brutally murdering many of his own people. However, though many Syrians do now feel relief by the Assad regime being overthrown, we must not forget that rebel leader Ahmed Hussein al-Sharaa (also known as Abu Muhammad al-Julani), who has taken upon himself the role as Transitional President of Syria, was an Al Queda terror leader in the past. Even though he might seem moderate and diplomatic in his approach to foreign governments right now, this might only be a way of deception. His current organization Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham is likewise supporting jihad and Sharia law, so whether this new Syrian government will bring a better future for the Syrian people, is unsure, and so are its relations to Israel. Therefore, Israel has taken its precautions and deployed IDF soldiers on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights in order to create a buffer zone between the two countries. There are several Druze villages in that area, and some of their leaders did, indeed, appeal to the IDF asking them to please annex their village into Israel, as they would rather be under Israeli rule than under that of the Sunni rebels! Furthermore, the IDF has destroyed many military sites and weapons left behind by Assad’s army in order to avoid them falling in the hands of the rebels and being used against Israel.

In Gaza, the IDF continues fighting bravely against Hamas, but though the terror organization is severely crippled, it still refuses to give up the fight. There are still 98 Israeli hostages being held in Gaza, though it is unclear how many of them are still alive. There are currently new negotiations going on with Hamas in order to get the remaining hostages free and home again, but unfortunately the ceasefire deal that is currently on the table includes releasing thousands of Palestinian terrorists from Israeli prisons, which is of course no good deal for Israel.

Since the beginning of the ceasefire with Hezbollah in Lebanon, the most active front fighting against Israel has been the Yemenite Houthis. These last weeks, two ballistic missiles that were sent off by the Houthis fell in the Tel Aviv area, as the Israeli defense system was unable to intercept them. However, a miracle happened that though both of them fell in inhabited areas (one fell on a school and the other in a children’s playground), only material damage was caused! Praise God!

Report from Arab Deborahs Arising Conference 13-14 September 2024

Right from the beginning we knew that this year’s Arab Deborahs Arising Conference would become very special, not only because it had 178 participants, the highest number ever, but also because it was held in the middle of a war, with the security situation in the north continuing to be very serious. The ministry team consisted of 15 locals (Arabs and Messianic Jews) and international Christians, who had chosen to come to Israel for such a time as this to be a blessing and encouragement to the Arab women. Before the beginning of the conference, we had met as a ministry team to pray for a breakthrough in some areas. One of those areas was the problem with navigation in northern Israel, where the GPS apps were often out of function due to the security situation, and we were sensing that the enemy wanted to use this to bring confusion. Amazingly, after we prayed, the navigation apps on our phones started working again, and during the two days of the conference they kept working, meaning that every participant in the conference arrived safely and without any trouble finding their way back and forth. Hallelujah!

On Friday morning, after a time of wonderful Arabic worship led by the HOPE worship team, Rania opened the conference, which this year had the theme, “Come up here” (Rev. 4:1.) When God called the Apostle John to come up, he was calling him to enter the throne room of Heaven. John’s incredible encounter with the Lord is a model of what God wants each of us to experience, when we enter into our personal destiny. In these difficult times, He is calling all of us to come up higher with Him, as we keep our eyes on what is in the heavenly places. Genesis 5:21 mentions Enoch, who was taken up by God. Even though he had a household to take care of, he still had a very close relationship with God. It is important to focus on that intimate place with Jesus. If we want to see greater miracles in our lives, we need to make it a priority ascending higher with the Lord. The path that takes us to His throne is holy. We can use the elevator called “the Blood of the Lamb” to go up. Before the conference, Rania had seen a vision of a ladder with women standing on different steps, all holding hands, and as some were struggling to get up to the next step, they were helping one other to come up higher. As illustration, the stage was decorated with two beautiful, symbolic ladders.

During the first session, we also had the breaking of bread together, after Ps. Andrew had asked for forgiveness from the women for the offense that the leadership or pastors had caused them over the years. This was a deep moment, where many women received healing by releasing forgiveness and blessing.

Pastor Linda Bergling from Arken Church, Sweden, then spoke about making sure to have the oil of the Holy Spirit. God says, “I will come and make my Spirit dwell with you.” Therefore, we should keep the oil fresh every day. If we want to go higher, we need to go deeper in the Holy Spirit. God wants to give us more authority. We need to pour out His love on the nations and be more dependent on Him. He needs to be our first love. When God is calling you to do something that seems impossible, if Jesus is your first love everything is possible. God called Linda to get away with Him for one week and just wait for Him. After five days, she heard His footsteps, and He gave her an open vision. She saw a flood of blood – the blood of war, of rage, of suffering and tears, and the Lord said, “I have opened a bridge of healing to quench the worst hate, a bridge for healing between hearts and nations.” An anointing that will quench the worst hate is an anointing of the Holy Spirit, of the Father’s love. Jesus told the congregation in Ephesus that they had lost their first love (Rev. 2:4.) The first love is a manifestation of God’s heart, a fragrance of Heaven, and the Devil hates that. Pastor Linda once saw Jesus with mud on his face and clothes, and He revealed to her that the mud is the sin of division in His body. The only way to get this mud away is to love Him and each other. When we say yes to God and the thing He wants to do through us, it will melt away the mud from the inside, and we will see His face.

Margaret Abu-Ghazaleh shared how her hunger for the Lord brought her to study the life of Moses. He was intimate with God instead of being too busy with the multitude. When God called Moses by the burning bush, he was struggling with the fear of man, like we do, too. Going up the ladder, you will not stay in one place and not be satisfied anymore. Once Moses was ready to accept His calling from the Lord and do what he was called to do, God took off Moses’ wrong identity and brought him into his right identity. God had already been preparing Moses in the desert and He knew what he needed in order to fulfil his task. In Exodus 28, God is calling Moses to come up to Him on the mountain. There are different levels. Aaron is on one level, while Moses is on a different level. All the elders were anointed, and they saw the God of Israel, but they stayed on a lower level. We should be jealous and want more of God. Our relationship needs to come before our ministry. God gave Moses the 10 commandments on the mountain. Moses used to be angry with the people, but when he descended the mountain, he started interceding for them. He was in a continuous relationship with the Lord, and when God spoke to Moses face to face in the tent of meeting, the glory of the Lord was so strong.

Lilo Keller from Schleife Ministry in Switzerland spoke about the love of Christ, and how He came knocking on her door three times at night with nobody being there when she opened. She described it as a knock of love like in the Song of Solomon. Another time when Lilo was just waiting on the Lord, he came close and gave her a pomegranate, as he asked her, “May I love you?” He wants to have a close relationship with us, to lead us into His perfect love, and put us on like a glove, meaning that we will become like Him in words and deeds. The Lord is our strength and identity. On another occasion Lilo was in a mountain house in the USA, and suddenly she heard church bells ringing. However, when she got outside, there were no bells. She could only hear them while she was inside the house. Her spiritual father afterwards explained to her, “You heard the high priest walking the land proclaiming His Kingdom in the land. You heard in the spiritual realm, but it impacted the natural.” In Exodus 39:24-26, there is a description of the pomegranates and bells that were on the garments of the priests in the temple, and as illustration Lilo had brought a pomegranate and a bell.

On Saturday, Lilo Keller also shared about another encounter she had had with the Lord, where He came to her as a lion. He came very gently and began licking her face. Then He lifted her up by His paw and began running into heavenly places. There, He placed her on a rock, so that she could see the sea (the nations). When he stood above her, He began to roar proclaiming His victory, and she was roaring with Him. It is His strength that comforts us. Lilo went on talking about overcoming fear. If we are captured by thoughts about what will happen in the future, then we are not living in the today. We need to use our faith to see ourselves in Jesus. We are surrounded, but He is in us. If we do everything we do for the Lord, fear can have no hold on us. If we choose to find Him in the midst of the circumstances, we will always find comfort.

The HOPE worship team led most of the Arabic worship during the conference, and the first song, “Alen Howa” (“He is High and Lifted Up”) from their new album was launched through powerful prophetic dance by one of the HOPE team members, Christine Souti. A worship leader from Ramallah named Jackie also led some of the Arabic worship, and Karen Davis led us in Hebrew and English worship on Friday. One of the most powerful moments was when Karen started singing, “Hineh Ma Tov U’ma Na’im” (Psalm 133) in Hebrew, and Arab and Jew joined hands and began dancing around the room in a big circle, united as one in Messiah.

On Saturday morning, we had another very powerful moment when the Messianic Jews who were present were called forth to share their hearts in the middle of the war situation. Many tears were shared, and we broke bread together after releasing forgiveness in the middle of the crisis of the war. The session ended with a release of powerful worship and dance together in Hebrew and Arabic, as the Arab and Jewish women were hugging and sharing their love for each other. We felt a fresh outpouring of the love of God by the Holy Spirit melting away and removing much pain over the land.

After the final evening session with Lilo Keller on Saturday evening, there was a powerful time of ministry, as all the Arab women were lining up to go through the “fire tunnel” receiving prayer and blessings by the ministry team members. All glory to God!

First Song Release by HOPE Worship Team

We are excited to announce the official release of this new anointed song by the HOPE worship team! So proud of them!

The song is available on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube and Dezeer! Click on image above to listen and share with others!

This is the first song release by the HOPE worship team. The vision is to release a full album of songs that were birthed in the Spirit during a time of worship and prayer in HOPE.

Arab Women’s Gathering at HOPE 06/07/2024

On 06/07/2024, we had around 35 Arab women leaders coming for a special meeting here at HOPE. The women joining us came from different churches around the Galilee. Our time of fellowship was very deep, and it was very important for us to come together. We had not seen each other for a long time, so it was a good reunion bringing unity among the mothers of the land. We could sense the heart of the Father and His love, as we stood together supporting one another in these troubling and challenging times in the midst of a war. Our time of worship was really powerful, and our prayers were focussed on the situation in the land, for our government and leaders, and for the Arabs in Gaza, but we were also praying against the violence within the Arab community in Israel.

Furthermore, I shared a word of encouragement from the Book of Nehemiah and the call to build a wall together and cast a vision that we should continue to stand and build together in unity, because the Lord will fight for us. The main verse I was sharing on was Nehemiah 4:20, where it says, “Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us!” (NIV). It was all about sounding the trumpet. I then announced the 40 days of fasting and called the women to join us in this fast, encouraging them to take the initiative “to build a wall” and “straighten the bars of the gates” in their cities and the places they are positioned in, as they walk around the city praying. Finally, we broke bread together, prayed for one another, and encouraged each other in the Lord. We had a wonderful time of fellowship around a very rich and good meal, which one of our staff, one of the mothers, had prepared for us.

Vision for Lebanon 24/06/2024

By Rania Sayegh

I saw a huge angel take a big sword and strike it into the heart of Lebanon. While this was taking place, I saw the ground beginning to shake. Then I saw the winds blowing strongly from the four corners of the land, and as they began to move and swirl like a whirlwind, their movement was carrying dust from the earth, blowing it into the air. I sensed it was the formation of a dust storm. As the winds continued blowing strongly, I saw them breaking the high and lofty cedars of Lebanon.

I sensed the Lord was saying to me that the winds of change and awakening are blowing over Lebanon. The sword of the Lord, His Word is going to come forth and be established. His Word and voice are thundering over Lebanon to bring freedom and deliverance.

I sensed there is a dust storm coming to Lebanon not only in the spiritual sense but natural to bring blindness and confusion in the camps of the enemy.

Open your doors, O Lebanon,
That fire may devour your cedars.
Wail, O cypress, for the cedar has fallen,
Because the mighty trees are ruined.
Wail, O oaks of Bashan,
For the thick forest has come down.
There is the sound of wailing shepherds!
For their glory is in ruins.
There is the sound of roaring lions!
For the pride of the Jordan is in ruins.
Zechariah 11:1-3

For His glory,

Rania Sayegh

Report from Rania’s Ministry Trip to Norway, 22-28/05/2024 and Sweden, 28/05-05/06/2024

Rania’s trip to Sweden and Norway was a wonderful blessing, and the Lord really surprised her in many ways.

The first leg of the journey was in Sweden, where Rania spent the first few days meeting with leaders of a prayer movement there, who shared about what God is doing in Sweden, and how He has been using initiative prayer and prophetic journeys, repentance on behalf of the nation, and special prayer gatherings to bring a real breakthrough in different areas. Rania’s time in Sweden was wonderful and effective. After meeting with the leaders, Rania went on to visit her family, and seeing her nephews, her brother and his wife again was also refreshing. It was a beautiful family reunion.

Afterwards, Rania travelled on to Norway, where she was invited to be part of the Stord Conference, a strategic and timely gathering, which took place on the Island of Stord in the western part of the country. This gathering was part of a series of different prayer initiatives, ship cruises and prophetic acts organized all over the country because of the thousand years of Norway’s independence as a nation. The Body of Christ and the prayer movement had started all these different initiatives to cover the nation in prayer and restore the heritage and stand on the values of the constitution and the heritage of Norway being founded as a Christian nation.

The Stord Conference, which Rania was part of, was a wonderful gathering, and the Holy Spirit and God’s presence was tangible there. There were around 170-200 participants in the meetings. During the three days of the conference, God was moving and releasing prophecy, declaring the restoration of Norway back to its Christian roots. For Rania it was a blessing to be able to speak there twice. During a long one-hour session, Rania spoke about heritage, and she also shared a vision she had seen during the conference and released it over the nation, and the Lord was really touching people. (To look at the vision, click here.)

It was a powerful time of sharing this vision. While Rania was emphasizing the difference between heritage and inheritance, how God works with the inheritance, and how we can secure it, she was speaking about God’s destiny for Norway. Beside this, Rania also shared about the situation in Israel and the prophetic assignment during Purim, where they were standing together, Jew and Arab, repenting and decreeing a decree, breaking the covenant of death and replacing it with a covenant of life together as one family in the Land of Israel. Rania spoke about the importance and the power of reestablishing the covenant, and the upcoming trip to Poland, where the Jewish and Arab family would be endeavouring together on a journey of prayer reestablishing the covenant during Shavuot, the time when the Book of Ruth is traditionally opened. After Rania spoke about these things, everyone united in prayer for Israel and for Gaza, praying for both the Arab and the Jew and the salvation of God’s people both in Israel and in Gaza.

During the Stord Conference, Rania also shared a prophetic word for Norway, which God gave her for the thousand years of independence. God first gave this word to Rania in February during the national prayer conference in Grimerud, where He told her that His timing for Norway is now in the thousand years.

God spoke to Rania, as she was sitting in the room praying, while snow was coming down outside. The Lord spoke to her about how the snow comes down to clean and purify the land. He also spoke from Isaiah 55:10-11, where it says that like the snow coming down, the Word of the Lord is going forth from His mouth, and it will not return to Him void, but succeed and prosper and fulfil all God’s purposes. God spoke to Rania about the snow and then whispered in her ear about the thousand years. He then took her to Zechariah 3, where it speaks about Joshua the priest, and says, “‘If you will walk in My ways, And if you will keep My command…” (verse 7), “And I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day” (verse 9). As Rania was pondering on that during the conference in February, the Lord then spoke to her and said that He would remove the iniquities of the nation in a day. Then she went back to 2 Peter 3:8, where it says, “with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” Then it really clicked in Rania’s heart. It says in Zechariah 3 that “I will inscribe on the stone that I will remove the iniquity of a nation in a day.” So, this was a thousand years in a day, the thousand years of anniversary for the nation of Norway. That was a promise that God had given that He would remove the iniquity of a nation in a day, “if you walk in my ways and keep my commands.” This was a very important word that resonated with many of the leaders’ hearts.

Incredibly enough, one of the prophetic leaders in Norway named Howard Sand had initiated a project of a stone, which he had made a replica of. The stone is located in Moster Island, half an hour from Stord, where the conference was, and it was the actual stone, where King Olav, the first king of Norway, said, as he bowed on it, “We will bow toward the east, and we will bow for Christ. The king will be a friend of God. The king will be a friend of the people.” That was his declaration a thousand years ago, when he bowed on that rock. This stone they believed was the foundation of the values of Norway, and it was here the Christian nation of Norway was born. It says in Isaiah 28 that they wanted to establish this, like I will put a chief cornerstone in Zion. It is, indeed, not about the stone, but about the values and the cornerstone, Jesus. The establishment of the values of the heritage of the Christian nation of Norway, how it was founded, and the covenant of this king.

As part of the project, Norwegian believers want to make a replica of this stone in order to take it all over Norway and place it everywhere to decree that the nation is returning to its foundations, to reestablish and stand on the values of the nation again. It was truly a renewal of a covenant. Rania did not know about this project, but God spoke to her about the verse in Zechariah 3, where it says, “I will inscribe on a stone that I will remove the iniquity of the nation in a day.” It was stunning and shocking for Rania to hear this from the Lord, but the people were really encouraged, because it speaks very much about what they were doing. Ultimately, they ended up inscribing and engraving all over the replica of the stone the same words from Zechariah 3:9, “I will inscribe on a stone that I will remove the iniquity of the nation in a day.” It was a very powerful time, with lots of confirmation from different people telling Rania how much this had touched their hearts and confirmed in their spirit that God will, indeed, visit Norway, and in a day, there will be revival and mass salvation within the nation!

After finishing the Stord conference, they all went together to Moster and prayed in a very old church, near where the stone is, and during their time of prayer and breaking of bread, there was a renewal of covenant with all the participants in the conference. They also bowed towards the east on the stone, and renewed the covenant with the nation of Norway together with the remnant of the Norwegian family that was present. Afterwards, they went up to the cross on the mountain, where they also prayed and broke bread, declaring that the nation of Norway belongs to Jesus, “No king but Jesus over Norway!” It was a very powerful time.

Rania then had two days in Bergen, where she had been invited by a friend to speak in Credo Church. Around 100-120 people were gathered, and it was a wonderful evening of prayer and intercession. Rania shared about what is taking place in Israel right now during the war. She also shared her vision from the Lord and released the prophetic word God had given her for Norway, like she did at the Stord Conference.

Finally, Rania went back to Sweden for another six days, where she, together with a group of Messianic-Jewish leaders, had been invited to be part of a retreat with Pastor Linda Bergling in Shohamra. It was a wonderful time of refreshment, prayer and intercession, and deepening relationship with the Swedish family and the Messianic-Jewish leaders who were present. Sunday morning, Rania and all the rest of the leaders who were at the retreat, participated in a church service at Arken Church, where Rania was asked to speak for 15 minutes. She gave a word about God’s heart for unity between the Jewish and Arab family and walking together. She gave a short report about the war, emphasizing how we should keep our hearts and love for one another that we may not break covenant during this hard time with Israel being nine months in war with Hamas, how we should pray for both Arab and Jew as one heart in love and covenant, like Ruth and Naomi did. They made a covenant together to stand together in love for one another, and from that Obed was born, and with him a whole generation of worshippers was born. It was wonderful to have time to reflect on all what God is doing, and to pray and fellowship. It was indeed a very refreshing time for Rania right before her trip to Poland, which was a very strategic trip with six from the team at HOPE and another five from the Messianic-Jewish family, who went together.


Vision of Bride Coming Out of the Sea in the UAE: 30/01/2024

By Rania Sayegh

As I was in my room worshiping the Lord. I was looking towards the sea from the balcony of my room. Then I was taken into a vision, I heard a sound of eagles screeching, and then I saw a herd of them swirling around over the sea sounding their voices as an announcement of something going on. As I continued to look, I saw a beautiful bride coming out of the sea with her veil on. She was dressed in a white gown, but the dress was embroidered with all kinds of flags of nations, and many nations were on this gown. While she was coming out of the sea, Jesus came to the seashore waiting for her to come out, and He took the veil off of her face. I saw her face, and her face looked like an Arab with dark skin, wide beautiful black eyes, and long straight hair. She was joyful and smiling when she saw Jesus, her bridegroom, and her face lit up with excitement.

Then Jesus came and lifted the veil off her face, and I saw him driving her to another location. I saw her now on the desert sands, but when she and Jesus were there, Jesus suddenly took her hands and began to dance. She responded to the dance and began to swirl around. Then all of a sudden, while He was dancing with her, the golden sand underneath their feet, turned into golden harvest fields. The dance was so beautiful and joyful, and the eyes of Jesus and His bride were locked together as she was following Him in His foot movement over the golden harvest fields.

That’s how the vision ended.

The following verses were highlighted in my spirit after the vision:

”Come with me from Lebanon, my spouse,
With me from Lebanon.
Look from the top of Amana,
From the top of Senir and Hermon,
From the lions’ dens,
From the mountains of the leopards.
You have ravished my heart,
My sister, my spouse;
You have ravished my heart
With one look of your eyes,
With one link of your necklace.
How fair is your love,
My sister, my spouse!
How much better than wine is your love,
And the scent of your perfumes
Than all spices!
Your lips, O my spouse,
Drip as the honeycomb;
Honey and milk are under your tongue;
And the fragrance of your garments
Is like the fragrance of Lebanon.
A garden enclosed
Is my sister, my spouse,
A spring shut up,
A fountain sealed.
Your plants are an orchard of pomegranates
With pleasant fruits,
Fragrant henna with spikenard,
Spikenard and saffron,
Calamus and cinnamon,
With all trees of frankincense,
Myrrh and aloes,
With all the chief spices—
A fountain of gardens,
A well of living waters,
And streams from Lebanon.
Awake, O north wind,
And come, O south!
Blow upon my garden,
That its spices may flow out.
Let my beloved come to his garden
And eat its pleasant fruits.“
Song of Solomon 4:8-16 NKJV

”How beautiful on the mountains are the sandaled feet of this one bringing such good news. You are truly royalty! The way you walk so gracefully in my ways displays such dignity. You are truly the poetry of God—his very handiwork. Out of your innermost being is flowing the fullness of my Spirit— never failing to satisfy. Within your womb there is a birthing of harvest wheat; they are the sons and daughters nurtured by the purity you impart.
How gracious you have become!“
Song of Songs 7:1-3 TPT

‬For His glory,


Review of the Year 2023

Looking back on the year, 2023, it is with hearts full of gratitude to the Lord for what He did among us during this last year. We have attached a flipbook, reviewing some of the most significant events for the ministry of HOPE Nazareth during 2023.


Vision of the Lion of Judah roaring from Mount Ararat in Armenia: 22/11/2023

By Rania Sayegh

While the drumming was going on, a war sound was being released. In that moment, I sensed a window in the spirit being opened, and I saw a huge lion: the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. He was looking to the horizon with His fierce eyes and then began to roar.

Then all of the sudden, I saw legions of war horses released from Heaven and going down Mount Ararat to the land of Armenia. The horsemen had torches of fire in their hands, and as they began circling around the land of Armenia, they were setting the borders on fire, as if they were drawing the new borders of the land.

Then they went inside the land, to the heart of the nation, where they created a huge cross that was set on fire. As they went back from the heart of the land and returned to Mount Ararat again, they went up to the top and placed a huge torch on the peak of the mountain, like the torch that is being lit by the launching of the Olympic Games. As the torch was placed, a huge rainbow appeared on the top, and suddenly the top of the mountain was set on fire, turning into a big altar on fire. Then it erupted like a volcano, but the substance coming out of the mountain was a different type of lava. It looked like oil being on fire, which was flowing from the top down to all Armenia and from there to the nations around.

I saw many nations being drawn to the mountain that had become a huge altar, and they were bowing down in awe and worship at the feet of the One who sits on the throne.

Then the Holy Spirit directed me to these key verses:

“Rejoice, O Gentiles, with His people; For He will avenge the blood of His servants, And render vengeance to His adversaries; He will provide atonement for His land and His people.”
Deuteronomy 32:43

“But one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals.” And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth. Then He came and took the scroll out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne. Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seals; For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood, Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, And have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the earth.” Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, And strength and honor and glory and blessing!” And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying: “Blessing and honor and glory and power Be to Him who sits on the throne, And to the Lamb, forever and ever!””
Revelation 5:5-13 NKJV

‬For His glory,


After Rania got the vision, she went for a tour with the group from the conference, and in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, where the conference took place, they visited two memorial sites; one of them is called, “The Armenian Mother,” the other, “The Genocide Site,” where there was a memorial for those who were murdered in the Armenian Genocide. To Rania’s amazement, in both these places, there was a torch burning 24/7, and at “The Genocide Site,” at the same time sad music was being played in memory of the one million Armenians who were murdered in the genocide. It was incredible to find out that there were literally two torches at those memorial sites.