Time Sensitive Esther Call to Prayer and Fasting for Iran and Israel

A strategic Esther call to 44 days of prayer and fasting for the rising threat from Iran towards Israel & the nations!  

In November last year, the Lord began to speak to me during a time of prayer at HOPE in which we were watching over Iran and the growing crisis  between Iran, Israel and the nations.

On the 8th of November as I was praying for Iran, I received a vision in which I saw a huge plumbline descending over Iran’s land. As the plumbline touched the land, an earthquake struck. So I began to pray and declare that the Lord will shake everything that can be shaken, specially the evil systems in the Iranian government, so that the unshakable can remain and His kingdom will advance in mighty ways.

A few days after this prayer watch, I saw in the news that there was a powerful earthquake that hit Iran with a magnitude of 6.4 on the Richter scale in southern Hormozgan province.

When I saw the news and that the earthquake had a magnitude of 6.4, instantly the Holy Spirit spoke to me from Isaiah 64:1-4:

Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down,
that the mountains would tremble before you!
As when fire sets twigs ablaze
and causes water to boil,
come down to make your name known to your enemies
and cause the nations to quake before you! 
For when you did awesome things that we did not expect,
you came down, and the mountains trembled before you.
Since ancient times no one has heard,
no ear has perceived,
no eye has seen any God besides you,
who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.


God was giving us a sign that He had heard our decrees and was shaking the internal structure of Iran, He will pass judgment on the evil that is taking place in the oppressive regime of the Islamic republic of Iran!
As we continued to watch the nation of Iran during the month of December 2021, God spoke to me through a lecture by a well-known Jewish historian named Dr. Mordechai Kidar entitled, “Will Iran’s regime collapse in 2022?” I was so drawn to this lecture that I listened to the whole 41 minutes. He explained how the anthropology of Iran is made up of so many people groups which means that the majority  are not Persian. These groups do not support the current Iranian regime. They have been waiting for a window of opportunity to start another revolution from inside the nation, turning the regime upside down again and bringing down the Islamic government. The expected timing of this possible revolution is during the week leading up to the celebration of the Iranian new year, “Noroz”. The reason for this timing is that the Wednesday preceding the Iranian year is called “Char Chambi Sori” in Farsi which means “the Wednesday of fire.”
On the evening of “the Wednesday of fire” everyone comes out onto the streets and lights fires. The day is known for chaos! Therefore these groups would most likely choose such a day to make an organized effort to come out onto the streets in an attempt to oppose the government. This year, “the Wednesday of Fire” falls on March the 16th. 
When I heard the date of “the Wednesday of Fire,” I felt instantly that the Holy Spirit was impressing on my heart to check the date that Purim falls in 2022! To my amazement, the date was also the 16th of March! 
When I saw this, I knew the Holy Spirit was speaking to me clearly that He is setting up something for this coming Purim, to bring judgment on the Haman spirit that has been working in Iran, and for a possible revolution that could be ignited inside the nation to bring down princes and principalities. 
As I continued to pray into this, I asked the Holy Spirit what He would want His watchmen to do at this time. I heard the number 44 in my spirit and realized it was connected with 22×2 from this year, 2022. I felt the Lord leading me to launch an urgent call to prayer and fasting for 44 days. This will begin on 2/2/2022, which will lead up to Purim on March 16th, which itself falls on “the Wednesday of fire” in Iran this year! 
After searching more on the numbers I received, 44 days of fasting and prayer, I looked to see how many years Iran’s Islamic republic has been in power. The date of the establishment of the government after the revolution was February 11th, 1979. That means on February 11th 2022, Iran’s Islamic government will have lasted 43 years and be entering into its 44th year! 
I knew that the Lord was speaking to me, that we are to ask Him to rend the heaven and come down over Iran and shake the regime and give courage and faith to the people of Iran to rise up and stand against this evil structure that has been threatening all the Middle East and especially the existence of Israel. 
After receiving this revelation from the Lord, I asked Him what He wanted us to do. He showed me that He wants the intercessors to unite globally and begin to roar His decrees over Iran and speak deliverance to her people. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is about to roar from Zion and bring vengeance over the Haman spirit that is moving in the land. Enough is enough, Aslan is on the move! 
This is the decree to be released on Purim 16/3/2022! 
The Lord will roar from Zion
and thunder from Jerusalem;
the earth and the heavens will tremble.
But the Lord will be a refuge for his people,
a stronghold for the people of Israel. 
Joel 3:16

I believe we are called to another Esther moment in history to rise as Esthers all over the world and release our verdicts and decrees over the land of Iran for deliverance from the Haman spirit. Will you join the table of the Lord that He has set before our enemies, even as Esther created a banquet and invited the King together with her enemy “Haman?” There the battle was won! Let’s create a table before our enemies and partake of the table of the Lord, the bread and wine, and unite together for a corporate release from Zion and from the nations of the roar of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah!  

We encourage you to join us daily during these 44 days and partake of the table of the Lord with bread and wine!

At the banquet of wine the king said to Esther, “What is your petition? It shall be granted you. What is your request, up to half the kingdom? It shall be done!” 
Esther 5:6
For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?
Esther 4:14
The word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah the prophet against Elam, in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah, saying, “Thus says the Lord of hosts:
Behold, I will break the bow of Elam,
The foremost of their might.
Against Elam I will bring the four winds
From the four quarters of heaven,
And scatter them toward all those winds;
There shall be no nations where the outcasts of Elam will not go.
For I will cause Elam to be dismayed before their enemies
And before those who seek their life.
I will bring disaster upon them,
My fierce anger,’ says the Lord;
‘And I will send the sword after them
Until I have consumed them.
I will set My throne in Elam,
And will destroy from there the king and the princes,’ says the Lord.
‘But it shall come to pass in the latter days:
I will bring back the captives of Elam,’ says the Lord..”
Jeremiah 49:32-39

HOPE’s New Building Dedication 22nd November 2021

Many Jewish and Arab leaders from across the land joined us to celebrate the opening of our new building. We started with a special time of worship led by the youth team, inviting the presence of God into this new house. Rania shared the journey of how God had led HOPE to this new place and then invited the leaders and pastors to pray. finishing with Karen Davis singing the Aaronic Blessing in Hebrew. This was followed by a wonderful time of fellowship with food lovingly prepared by some of the Arab Deborahs.

Please see the video highlights of this event and photos below.



11/11 Prayer and Intercession – Israel, UK and the Nations

Following a prompt from Rania’s prophetic vision about a lion roaring over the UK, HOPE gathered online with several key leaders in the UK and the nations on the 11th November. Representatives from each of the four nations that form the UK made prophetic declarations of repentance for their nation’s previous treatment of the Jewish people and realigned themselves with God’s plans for Israel and the Nations. At 11:11, the gathering released a roar together with the blowing of shofars and trumpets.

The declarations included:

“The time has come to favour Zion. The weeping is turning into a roar. We are one family, aligned for your purposes, sounding the trumpet for awakening and taking the keys for the ancient doors.”

Psalm 24:7:  “Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in.

“2017 was the 100th Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. In April 2022, a group of Anglican Church leaders together with representatives from other denominations will gather to acknowledge the role of the church in antisemitism in the UK which started in 1222 at the Synod of Oxford.”

“We come before you in repentance for what we as a nation have done to Israel when we had the mandate. We seem to have drawn back from that responsibility. The doors are beginning to open again. We pray that this time we will go through and restore our relationship with Israel.”

“The roar of God will bring the Word, the Spirit and power to remove the darkness that covers the people as your body rises up in unity together. Come and open their eyes so that they can see the Gospel of the Glory of Christ.”

Ezekiel 43:2: “And behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east. His voice was like the sound of many waters; and the earth shone with His glory.”

“We call to the firstborn and say, return to your Abba! Bride, return to your husband!”

“As a Jewish Israeli, I extend forgiveness on behalf of the Jewish people. Thank you for bringing us together with bonds of love. Where there is unity, God commands a blessing.”

“We stand in a day of mercy. We are one family, one nation with one inheritance. This is the day of the coming of the King of all kings. We stand with England and the nations in prayer and repentance.”

Joel 3:16: “The LORD also will roar from Zion, And utter His voice from Jerusalem; The heavens and earth will shake; But the LORD will be a shelter for His people, And the strength of the children of Israel.

“We declare over the church in the British Isles, ‘Your remnant will walk fully in the covenants you have established. The outpouring of God’s love will spill over into the Jewish communities.’”

“British Isles, you have given us our identity. You are a mother in the nations, a mother to Israel. The church that is coming will surpass all that has been before. Many times you have repented of pride but remember that pride is also a group of lions. You are fierce, you are a warrior people. Do not be shy, do not be silent, be the people God has called you to be!”

“From Israel, we honor our UK family. We are cheering you on as Arabs and Jews in unity in as response to Jesus prayer in John 17. We are one, one new man. A bold lion, releasing righteousness and birthing the second wave of awakening.”

A Prophetic word for the UK – The weeping is turning into a roar!

By Rania Sayegh – HOPE Nazareth, 13th of September 2021

During a time of prayer and worship, I was praying for Israel and asking God to forgive sins and transgressions, something I had been doing daily throughout the 10 Days of Awe which lead up to the Day of Atonement. All of a sudden I was taken to the UK in a vision.

I saw big ancient doors in the eastern region of England, and as I was looking into these doors, I noticed that in the middle of the land there was a huge majestic lion. When I saw Him, I knew He was the Lion of the Tribe of Judah – our Lord Jesus. He began to approach the eastern side where these ancient doors were and as he was looking intently at the door, all of a sudden I saw a clock appeared on the ancient gates, a clock that was ticking and moving. As it struck the 11th hour and the 11th minute, I saw the Lion of the Tribe of Judah release a fearless and powerful roar towards the gates and in a split second the gates opened, they were flung wide and behind the ancient doors, I saw a huge number of people cheering and crying out from the cloud of witnesses. They were cheering the saints and crying out for breakthrough. I also heard a voice saying the time has come for the ancient scrolls of destiny to open up and for my bride to step into all that I have called her to be – the royal priesthood, a glorious victorious bride.

The Lord is speaking to England, the time has come for my bride to rise up from her slumber and sleep and stand as a great army with banners of victory. The weeping is turning to a great roar that will come forth from my people. The angels of awakening are waiting for the word of the Lord to be roared by His bride in England!

The Lord is saying: I have given the UK the keys of David, take the keys of authority and open wide the gates of destiny for my glory to shine greater in such a time as this! I saw that huge keys had been given to the UK, I sensed the keys will not be only for the UK but these doors are going to release a dumanis power of glory over all of Europe and Northern America. Position yourselves for victory for the Lord your God is moving in the land and His eyes are upon you, the time of mercy and favor for your land has come!

You will arise and have mercy on Zion;
For the time to favor her, Yes, the set time, has come.
Psalm 102:13

Lift up your heads, O you gates!
And be lifted up, you everlasting doors!
And the King of glory shall come in.

Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty,
The Lord mighty in battle.
Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors!
And the King of glory shall come in.
Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts,
He is the King of glory. Selah
Psalm 24:7-10

The key of the house of David
I will lay on his shoulder; So he shall open, and no one shall shut;
And he shall shut, and no one shall open.
Isaiah 22:22

These things He said, and after that He said to them, “Our friend Lazarus sleeps, but I go that I may wake him up.”
John 11:11

Yom Kippur Prayer Call – Israel and China

On the Day of Atonement, 16th September, Rania joined with 105 Chinese believers from mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, America and Canada to pray into her Vision of the Eagle and the Rooster. Several key international leaders including Rick and Patricia Ridings, Sue Rowe and Orna Grinman joined this One New Man strategic prayer call. They joined together to repent for any evil alliances that the nations have been making, closing the doors to the evil that has been released over the last two years and opening the gates for God’s Kingdom to move forward from China back to Jerusalem. We are including a short summary of some of the highlights from this important prayer call:
  • God is raising up an army from the East, from the womb of the dawn (Psalm 110:3). Many believers in China are mourning over what has happened in this past season, but the Lord says that He will bring the dew. It is darkest right before the dawn. We are at the dawning of a new day. Awaken China and the Middle East to You and Your purposes!
  • The Lord has allowed some shakings. He sent us to hide in our rooms for a time, but now God is opening doors to go back to Jerusalem. God used the time we were hidden behind doors to cleanse and purify us. Now I believe we are coming into a season where He is closing some doors and opening others. We can close the doors to violence and hatred through the Key of David. Using that same key, we can open a door in heaven for more blessings to come down. We ask for forgiveness for times where in America, Israel and China we have worshipped the spirit of Mammon and where greed has encouraged evil destructive alliances.
  • As the eagle is a such a picture of God, bats are a sign of witchcraft and evil. Today, we take the Key of the House of the Tabernacle of David and we say let there be a closing of the door to hell from which these bats have come to bring such devastation on the earth. During this very special day of Yom Kippur, we command those bats to go back into the gates of Hell in the name of Yeshua. We take that same Key of David and we open every door that needs to open for travel along the Silk Road back to Jerusalem. We command the western gate from China to open into Central Asia, the Middle East and Jerusalem. Let the River of Life flow from China back to Jerusalem and drive back the spirit of death, may it bring millions out of death and into life. In the name of Yeshua.
  • The Lord is saying that you are looking at ploughed ground in which seed is being sown that will bear fruit in the future. The season has shifted. The warfare has shifted and thus the rooster is crowing. There is an awakening that God is calling us as forerunners into. There have been earthquakes and devastations everywhere, both physical and political. God said, “You are in the days of Noah” (Matthew 24:27). Yom Kippur carries a bigger weight this year than ever before. The rooster is crowing and the sound of war is in the atmosphere, but it is not a sound of fear for us. It is the sound of hope. Thus the eagle must rise. There is a significant alignment that the Lord is causing us to join today, both individual and corporate. The Lord is shouting over the Silk Road.
    The prayer movement is shifting into a watchman movement. Watchmen are living in community and working together. We are going into a time of wrestling, and God is calling His watchmen to stand firm.
  • We mature when we come into unity. The rooster and the hen cover the chicks. As we become a family in unity and oneness, then authority is released and we can rise up like eagles. There are Isaiah 42 gatherings in Asia. The Chinese must come into the fullness of their destiny at this time. As we cross over into the new year this Rosh Hashana, I feel a strength in my spirit and a call to no longer slumber. We have come to the time of Noah and a group of us are going to Sudan. In Genesis 9 the curse began when the two generations separated. Ham dishonoured his father. The Sudan church is in great division but has a small window of opportunity before the elections next year for the church to come together for revival. There is opposition, but what is needed now is the anointing of family and oneness. I feel a need for prayer to break that curse over Africa and the entire land. This trip to Sudan also signifies part of the Chinese people entering into their destiny.
  • One pastor shared that she had a dream about Rania on the day before she received the invite to this prayer call. In her dream she was on a family trip. The bus was running fast along a high mountain ridge (both sides were like a cliff). The road was narrow but flat. Suddenly they saw a familiar restaurant. Because of the high speed, they missed it but decided to make U-turn back to this restaurant which had a buffet. Everyone enjoyed the meal and chatting. Suddenly Rania appeared outside the window. She knocked on the window and asked, “Can I join you?” The pastor opened the window and replied, “Of course! welcome! You come in and join us!” Then she woke up from the dream.

After sharing the Lord’s Supper together, the meeting ended with the Chinese intercessors releasing a shout and a roar of the River of Life to bless Israel and the Middle East.

Rania’s Vision of the Eagle and the Rooster – A call to Prayer on Yom Kippur

Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming—in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning 
Mark 13:35
While taking my time with the Lord on the 10th of September in the morning, I was burdened to pray for the Middle East. I began to pray for the situations in Afghanistan and Israel, especially with the terrorists that had escaped from prison.

I began to see in the Spirit an eagle that was hovering and flying over Israel from the North to the South and from East to West.  He was going in circles and was watching with his fiery eyes intently over the land and was getting ready to land for an attack on his prey. As I was seeing this, I began to pray that the eyes of the eagle would be opened to protect and cover the land. I knew that this eagle was the Lord covering the land and that He was going to bring a turnaround of victory over a planned hidden assignment of the enemy. He was watching in order to release His angels for an attack.

Then I was taken to China in my vision where I saw that the map of China looks like a rooster. The whole area began to come alive as if it had become a real rooster! The rooster began to crow and released a call, and then I heard the statement, “When the rooster crows his call the eagle will soar.” Then I began to see the rooster crowing and the sound began to resonate from the East, then the rooster continued to crow and moved its head to the North and then the South. When this happened, as it turned to the West, the head and the whole body began to transform into an eagle. As it began to transform, I saw his feathers changing and his beak and face and eyes piercing, then it began to rise up from the land and take off. As this huge eagle took off other smaller eagles from the North, East and South began to join him, all heading towards the west side of the land as an army prepared for battle. When they reached the western gate of the nation, the western gate they were approaching was a huge ancient golden gate which I saw was slightly cracked open. As all this eagle army began screeching, they were approaching the golden gate and the power of the vibration from the sound began to push the gate open more and more until at the very moment the eagles reached the gate, the gate  opened and all those eagles break through the gate out heading towards the Silk Road. The moment the eagle broke through the gate, I saw a river of water begin to flow from this ancient gate towards the Silk Road and wash and remove the stones from the highway!

I feel that this is a midnight hour call to release the crow of the rooster at the fourth watch for the dawn of a new day. I feel that the Lord is giving us a strategy to unite together with China, US and Israel on Yom Kippur to release a midnight cry approaching the mercy seat for a turnaround as the army rises for battle over the Middle East, China and the US. We will release the sound of freedom and healing to the lands and appeal to heaven for the sake of God’s covenant to be established in these lands as the eagles gather and release the cry of victory for such a time as this. 

But at midnight there was a cry, ‘Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’ 
Matthew 25:6
So Moses said, “Thus says the Lord: About midnight I will go out in the midst of Egypt.
Exodus 11:4
The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”
The Lord shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion.
Rule in the midst of Your enemies!
Your people shall be volunteers, in the day of Your power; in the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning, You have the dew of Your youth. 
Psalm 110:2-3

Song of Songs Teaching by Orna Grinman – 11th June 2021

41 Arab Women leaders from across the land gathered at the Golden Crown Hotel on Mount Precipice, Nazareth for the first day of training after the pandemic. They were joined by several precious Jewish Messianic sisters.

Orna Grinman spoke in the second and final sessions about the journey of the Shunamite in Song of Songs. She shared that communication is the most important part of a marriage. The bride and groom start their life together by saying “I do” – so also, we start our journey with Yeshua by saying that we want to be part of His bride. In the first verses of Song of Songs, the bride is talking about the bridegroom and saying that she wants to know HIm more intimately but she is not talking to Him. Then in verse 3, she addresses him directly. Something can be on our hearts but there is still a long journey to get there. The bride wants intimacy (1:4). There may be many others entering the rooms with her, she can’t make this journey alone.

1:5 As soon as the Shunamite declares her intention of moving deeper into intimacy with the bridegroom, she sees herself as both dark and lovely. The sun, the world, has darkened her. This is what happens whenever we ask God to go deeper into Him, we see both the dark and the beautiful. God shows us the darkness that is still in us but he doesn’t leave us, he purifies us. In His light, we see things that we didn’t see before. Still in all our congregations here in the land, we make this mistake in that after salvation we are ashamed to say that we still have areas of darkness. We need to be real with one another. When we are together as the bride, we often still have legalism and shame rather than openness, humility and healing.

1:6 The vineyard is a symbol of the heart. The Shunamite has had a hard life, she worked hard in the heat of the sun. She blames others and thinks that they have made her this way, this is a sign of the victim spirit. It is true that her brothers had authority over her to send her to work in the vineyards, but she had full authority over her own heart – how she responded and what she chose to dwell on. It’s hard for us to see our own part in the brokenness. We blame others – maybe a teacher, a co-worker or a husband. When we look at the global Bride of Messiah, we see many, many broken hearts. What do I do when my heart is hurting? When someone mistreats me? Do I blame others or do I take care of my own vineyard/heart? Invite Yeshua into this place. When I am angry and resentful, Yeshua is not on His holy throne in my heart – I am sitting there in His place. The bride asks to go deeper into His presence. Whenever we ask to go nearer, God shows us what is in our own hearts that needs confession, repentance and forgiveness. Every hurt and pain in my heart needs healing (Psalm 66:18).

1:7 The bride asks to know where to find the bridegroom during the heat of the day, the hardest part of the day. She is kind of resentful, why can’t she just be herself? Why isn’t it enough for me to ask you to draw me after you? Why doesn’t He answer my prayers? At times like this, I don’t want to pray, but I also don’t want my heart to become harder and darker. Can I invite Yeshua into this place and sit with Him as He works on my heart? If you are really hungry for more of Him, don’t be angry, don’t hide who you are, don’t be shy or ashamed.

1:8 The answer comes for the Shunamite to follow the tracks of the sheep, to join with all the others who are part of the Bride of Messiah. This isn’t a journey that can be taken alone. Where there are shepherds (pastors), they should know the condition of the hearts of the sheep.

Song of Songs 2:4&6 “Let him lead me to the banquet hall and let his banner over me be love…His left arm is under my head and his right arm embraces me.” Often we feel that God is far away but He is right there so close with one arm holding us and the other embracing us.

2:8 When I go deeper into Him, suddenly everything gets harder. The mountains are easy for Yeshua; He leaps over the mountains of health, finances, relationships, ministry…

2:9 Our personalities put up walls but God looks for even a small opening, a window. Our defence barriers stop even those that we would like to invite to come closer. But God already knows everything about us. The bride needs to come to a place of readiness to invite Him in.

2:10 The bridegroom tells her what she needs to do. Don’t be passive! Get up! Get away from everything that holds you back. You are free. Yeshua has already paid the price. He gave you everything you need.

2:13 When we get up out of our prisons, we will start to bear fruit. When He sets us free, we start to blossom.

2:14 God speaks to each one of us, He tells us what He wants. He wants to hear your voice.

2:15 The vineyard of the bride’s heart is bearing its first blossom and fruit but already the foxes want to steal and destroy. The bride needs to let go of her victim mentality and see that she can take responsibility for her own life and the decisions that she makes. How should she respond when others mistreat her? Before she was passive and didn’t act. Now the bridegroom is waiting for her to take action and invite Him into these areas. He can train her to catch the foxes.

Chapter 3

3:1-2 The bride thinks that everything is fine with her heart. She sees herself as the one doing all the hard work in the relationship. It seems that the bridegroom is not doing anything. But she has already forgotten what he told her in Chapter 1:8 and 2:15. He told her to follow the tracks of the sheep. He told her to catch the foxes. She instead goes to search for Him in the city. He has been speaking to her about the dark, difficult things in her life. His answers were not what she wanted to hear. She didn’t get the answer that she was looking for, but He said “Go!” (the Hebrew is Lech but it is mostly translated in English as come!) Before I can get a specific word about my life, I need to let Him clean my heart from the darkness.

3:3 The watchmen found her. They are there for the town’s security and represent things in our life that give us false security and false refuge. Something or someone that I turn to instead of (or before) turning to God. We need to pay attention to what is heavy on our hearts, what is bothering us, and invite Yeshua into those places.

Chapter 3:6-4:15 is the song of the Bride. The journey of an individual relationship becomes a group/corporate relationship with the Beloved.

Chapter 5

The sound of the Lord is someone (Genesis 3:8)

5:3 This verse shows the contradiction in the heart of the Bride. She went to look for the Bridegroom by night and yet when He comes to her she doesn’t want to open up for Him. This happens with us too, all the thoughts that come to us when we are invited into His presence – housework, accounts, work tasks, ministry. But God is faithful and will come through even a small opening in our defences. When the bride finally opens, the Bridegroom isn’t there. God doesn’t answer as we expected or in the timing we wanted. Maybe you asked God for something and He answered with something deep. Invite Him into those problems. He is calling you deeper into Him. God heals us but often, a month later we are back in the same place of brokenness. This time when she turns to her false refuge, it is harmful for her. God had taken her out of that place but she turned back and it was more difficult this time.

5:16 echoes the opening verses of Song of Songs: “His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely.”

Chapter 6:1
Until now, the bride has been on a journey alone. But now she is connected with others on the same journey. Go and search for Him together.

6:4-9 These verses describe how God sees His bride.

6:13 (7:1 in Hebrew) The Shunamite is distracted again by those around her.

Chapter 7
The journey of the Bride now includes the hearts of others. 7:11-12 She invites the Bridegroom to come with her to work in the hearts of those around her. We can become busy serving and doing, but then our hearts might dry up.

Chapter 8
8:1-4 Healing comes in going back to the Bridegroom and spending time in His presence.

8:8-9 In the beginning, the brothers didn’t care for the bride – they didn’t even see her! Now she has glory, strength and weight (kavod in Hebrew). Whenever we give God the dark places in our hearts, He puts His light in us so that others can see.

8:12 The bride now cares for her vineyard. She has taken ownership of it and responsibility for caring for her heart.

Vision of the Bride in the wheat field – By Rania Sayegh

On the 3rd of May, I saw a bride standing in the middle of a field of wheat. She was wearing a bridal white gown and walking in the field. She was charmed by the field and looking around with joy at the harvest. She had a veil over her face and was looking at this vast field of wheat. The bride looked towards the furthest horizon and began to lift her veil. As she lifted her veil, the wind started to blow over the fields. At first, this wind blew gently but then it formed a whirlwind over the field. I noticed that the whirlwind got stronger and stronger then began to move and carry the wheat almost as though it was harvesting the wheat. The whirlwind was carrying this wheat into the threshing floor. The whirlwind was not only formed of wind but also angelic beings – the Holy Spirit and angels working together!

Vision of the Angel of Awakening – Passover Eve 2021

Original Artwork by David Monoz – All Rights Reserved

On the eve of Passover, I saw a vision of many angels being dispatched over the nations. In particular, I saw a huge angel over Israel who was holding a big trumpet . As he began to blow the trumpet, the sound of the trumpet began to release the winds of the spirit from the 4 corners of the land and a thick layer of dust was removed from the land and the nations. The Lord explained to me that this angel is an angel of awakening. The dust was to remove the spirit of death that is trying to cover the nations and set His people free in this Passover season. It is God’s decree over His people, “Let my people go!”

“On this mountain the Lord of hosts will make for all peoples a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wine, of rich food full of marrow, of aged wine well refined. And he will swallow up on this mountain the covering that is cast over all peoples, the veil that is spread over all nations. He will swallow up death forever; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces, and the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth, for the Lord has spoken. It will be said on that day, “Behold, this is our God; we have waited for him, that he might save us. This is the Lord; we have waited for him; let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation.””
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭25:6-9‬ ‭ESV

Please pray into this vision with us so that God will release the Angel of Awakening!

“In order somehow to make my fellow Jews jealous, and thus save some of them. Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers: a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written, “The Deliverer will come from Zion, he will banish ungodliness from Jacob.””
‭‭Romans‬ ‭11:14, 25-26‬ ‭ESV

Pray for the salvation of all of Israel!

Solemn Assembly on 21st March 2021

Several leaders in Israel have called for a Holy Convocation on March 21st in which believers throughout the land will come together to pray. Rania will be leading one of the watches and representing the Israeli Arabs. During this time we will be praying for:

  • Election Process. We pray for righteousness and justice in the election and voting process, with any corruption exposed and justly dealt with. (Proverbs 14:34
  • Repentance. We humble ourselves, turn from our sin and repent on behalf of God’s covenant people Israel. (2 Chronicles 7:13-14)
  • Voters. May a spirit of grace and supplication convict Israelis to vote for parties whose leaders fear the Lord or stand for righteousness or both. (Zechariah 12:10, Psalm 111:10)
  • God’s Choice Leaders. May God give us a coalition government through which He can best achieve His purposes for Israel at this time of our restoration. (Psalm 75:6-7, Proverbs 21:1, Daniel 2:21, Proverbs 16:33)
  • Salvation. Let there be a coalition conducive to the spread of the Gospel, salvations in Yeshua and aliyah for all Jews, including Messianic Jews. (Psalm 24:7-10, 1 Timothy 2:1-4)
  • Restore Truth. Let a coalition be established exposes and despises corruption and deception in governance, while upholding truth which and righteousness. (Proverbs 14:34, Proverbs 16:12)
  • Globalism. Give us, O God, a coalition that resists premature surrender to anti-Messiah or globalist agendas, and instead embraces its call not to be like other nations. Free Israel from any anti-Messiah restrictions on personal freedoms or institutional strongholds based on antiMessiah foundations of the modern state. (Ezekiel 20:32, Deuteronomy 28:13)
  • Pandemic. We pray for a coalition that seeks godly wisdom in establishing pandemic and post-pandemic policies, and in transitioning to a post-pandemic economy. (Proverbs 24:3-4)
  • Sanctity of Life. We pray for a coalition that honors the sanctity of life and understands that abortion is murder. (Exodus 20:13)
    Servant Leadership. Raise up shepherd-leaders who will serve as fathers and mothers with hearts of love for Israel and an anointing to heal and unify the people. (Matthew 23:11, Jeremiah 3:15)
  • Religious Strongholds. Let any ultraorthodox Jewish and other religious strongholds that oppose faith in Yeshua be broken. (Luke 11:46)
    Witchcraft. Let no witchcraft weapon formed against Israel succeed and all covenants with death annulled. (Isaiah 54:17, Psalm 9:15, Psalm 57:2-6, Isaiah 28:14-19)
  • Jerusalem. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem, city of the Great King, in every natural and supernatural realm. (Psalm 122)

Prayer Points by Sandy Teplinsky. Sandy and Kerry Teplinsky lead the Reshet Tefilah prayer network in Israel.