December 2018 Love Revolution
During our recent 40-day fast to reignite our love for Jesus, Rania was praying in the House of Prayer and God reminded her of a dream in her heart. The dream was about a love revolution, where Jews and Arabs give roses, instead of hatred, war, bullets or guns, as a symbol of their love for each other. What would happen if all the land began to move and people went out to every city in Israel to do this act of kindness and love?
On December 13th, nine women, both Jewish and Arab, decided that God wanted to use women in this season to birth this Love Revolution. They were used by God as His secret weapon to unlock the hearts of the people by giving these roses as an act of love. All together, they distributed 300 roses in two parts of Jerusalem, near Jaffa Gate in the Old City and the Salah e-Din neighborhood – a neighborhood populated mostly by Arabs. As they went out, they went in groups of two, one Jewish woman and one Arab woman.The team of women that came together, worked together in great unity and harmony. There was so much joy as we went out in the streets together. All who received roses from us received them with such joy! We even caused a traffic jam in Salah e-Din because people were stopping to take a rose.
Love Revolution Testimonies
We had a special encounter with a young boy, named Mohammed, who was about 7 years old. Rania was parking her car in the Salah e-Din neighborhood. As Rania was getting ready to give out the roses, Mohammed approached her and said, “Auntie, can I please have one rose?” Rania said, “Of course! You can have one for sure.” And then he asked for another one, and Rania gave him another one and asked why he wanted a second rose. He responded, “One for me, and one for my mom.” Then he turned around like he was going to leave, but Rania stopped him so she could explain why she was handing out roses. As they talked and Rania shared the Love Revolution vision, they also shared that the love of Jesus Christ is the reason they want to do that. This piqued his interest, and he wanted to know more about Jesus and where He lives. Rania explained that He lives in heaven and that He loves him so much. He was very intrigued that Jesus lives in heaven because he thought no one lives in heaven. And he said, “Is he alive?” Rania explained how Jesus died and resurrected because He is God, and God never dies. By this time, our friend Eman had parked her car and came over to us. She asked Mohammed, “What do you need from Jesus today?” Mohammed explained, with a sad face, “We need everything because we have nothing in our home. I don’t even have money to take the bus back to my mom.” Everyone’s hearts were melting and we were all crying. We gave him some money for the bus, and we laid our hands on him and began praying for him. As we finished the prayer, he told us that he had pain in his feet and he leaned back against the car because of how much pain he was in. Rania began to lead Mohammed in a prayer for healing, which he repeated, and Rania declared over him, “Now you can walk.” As he began to walk and tap his feet on the ground, he looked at Rania with eyes full of shock and told everyone that he had no more pain in his feet. He was so excited! Rania told him that when he gets home to explain to his mom what happened that day. She said to explain, “That he met a woman named Rania who gave him 2 roses, and that Jesus Christ can provide every single need in their home. That they can pray to Him and he will answer your prayers. Just as he did just at this moment, Jesus answered your prayer for money for the bus, 2 roses because He loves you, and He healed your feet. And you can ask Jesus to come and visit you in the night and show you Himself.”
Also during our time in Salah e-Din, we encountered a woman who looked like a woman of authority. One of the Jewish ladies with us, Noa, asked her in English if she can give her a rose. Noa continued to explain what we were doing in English. The woman asked her if she was a Jew? Noa responded yes. The woman said, “Then why don’t you speak to me in Hebrew? I have been waiting for so long for a Jewish person to tell me that they love me in Hebrew!” Noa, of course, began speaking Hebrew to her and told her that she loves her. The two women were so excited to have met each other.