Interview with Rania in Norway, February 2024
To watch interview with Rania in Norway, click here.
To watch interview with Rania in Norway, click here.
To read article in Norwegian, Christian magazine, click here.
At the end of January, Rania and a few other young people from the House of Prayer flew to the UAE to participate in a small Watchmen for the Nations gathering with David Demian and a group of about 30 leaders, most of them coming from across the Isaiah 19 Highway in the Middle East.
The goal of the conference was to seek the Lord together and deepen the unity and heart connection with one another. During those days, very important conversations were taking place, touching on several difficult issues connected with the crisis in the Middle East since October 7th 2023.
One of the main issues was concerning the destinies and callings of Jews and Arabs. We spent many hours in prayer and worship and sharing hearts, as we were asking the Lord to bring healing into these deep issues that were surfacing due to the challenging situation we are facing right now with the current war in Israel and the region.
During the few days we were there, the Lord was working a lot in our hearts and melting us in His presence with deeper unity. He was shedding the light and truth on ancient biblical truth and bringing us in alignment with His heart and word for His Kingdom purposes.
During Rania’s first days in the UAE, before the gathering started, she received a vision for the UAE, which you can read here. This vision was a key for Rania to be part of a prophetic act that was going to take place with one of her friends from the USA. Rania did not know in advance that she was coming to the UAE, until they by accident were texting, and Rania found out that her friend would be landing in the UAE on the same day. When they met together, Rania was surprised to find out that her friend had come to do a prophetic act and pray at the maritime shore in Dubai.
The vision that Rania had received a day before they met was a confirmation for an encounter her friend had had with the Lord in the UAE 22 years ago. The Lord was confirming to both of them that they should perform this prophetic prayer assignment together with a few other locals the next day. This was truly a divinely orchestrated time and a confirmation of the vision Rania had seen on the 30th of January. Rania believes this trip was very strategic and timely, and part of God’s plan, which she suddenly found herself being part of. Jesus is the genius orchestrator of life events. Glory to His name!
In the middle of the month of February, Rania and her friend Margaret flew to Norway to be part of a strategic national prayer conference led by YWAM leaders in the Grimerud base. Rania was invited to be one of the main speakers at this conference. The last time she visited Norway and ministered at this national conference was in 2019.
The first two days prior to the conference, Rania & Margaret were part of the leadership meetings, which were strategic gatherings, where each one shared from their hearts what the Lord was speaking at this time, and what He wanted to impart into the land of Norway and her people.
On the second day of the prayer conference, Rania was interviewed by one of the leaders. A couple of the questions Rania was asked in the interview were about the current war situation in Israel, as they wanted her to share a Kingdom perspective and update on this crisis. By the end of the interview, she shared eight prayer points with the participants in the conference in order for them to unite together in prayer for Israel.
Before traveling, Rania had a word from the Lord that she should bring with her a gift to the Norwegian family, a gift representing a token to what God was wanting to release to the nation of Norway in the coming season. The gift was an ancient key from Jerusalem! The key was miraculously provided by the Lord, as most of the stores in the Old City of Jerusalem were closed during the war, and Rania did not even have the time to travel all the way to Jerusalem to bring such a key if it was found. However, the Lord arranged it, as we found a key for sale from a woman in Nazareth, who had once owned an antique store. She had kept one key aside for a few years, and one of Rania’s friends, who came to the House of Prayer, contacted her to ask her if she would sell them this key. The Lord amazingly provided the key for Rania, so that she got it before leaving for Norway! God provided the ancient key from Jerusalem, praise God!
On Saturday evening, Rania had been asked to speak, so she brought the message God had given her for this season, and what He had spoken to her about Norway, the prophetic timing we are living in, and how to align ourselves with God’s purposes for our nation and beyond. Towards the end of the message, 12 leaders representing the audience came up on stage to stand in the gap on behalf of the nation of Norway in repentance of antisemitic hatred and apostasy rising in the land. Then Rania took the key and declared for the gates to open up over the nation and face Jerusalem from the east. One of the musicians on the worship team blew the ancient Norwegian shofar to welcome the King of Glory through the gate. Then Rania presented the gift of the key to a few of the main leaders at the meeting. God’s presence and awe was tangible in the room at this holy moment!
The next day, a very encouraging testimony was shared of a healing miracle that had taken place the night Rania spoke. The Lord had given her a word of knowledge for a person suffering from an inconsistent heart rate, which she brought up in the beginning of the meeting. When Rania shared the word, a man sitting in the audience lifted his hand, and while Rania was praying for him, he was instantly healed at that very moment. Praise the Lord for this wonderful healing miracle! Jesus the great physician of all manifested Himself as Jehovah Rapha!
It was such a privilege for Rania to be part of the conference, to fellowship with the Norwegian family and hear what God has been doing through the 10 years of her journey with them since 2014, as well as the fulfillment of many prophetic words God gave her for them throughout her ministry there. It is such an encouragement to see how God is moving in Norway, and how the Body of Messiah there is taking their stand and being positioned as Esthers for their nation and the Scandinavian nations for such a time as this!
Looking back on the year, 2023, it is with hearts full of gratitude to the Lord for what He did among us during this last year. We have attached a flipbook, reviewing some of the most significant events for the ministry of HOPE Nazareth during 2023.
This last month, the Lord opened the door for six members of our HOPE team to leave the country during the war to be part of a gathering that took place in Armenia on the 20th – 25th of November with Watchmen for the Nations. The trip was a sudden decision for our team, as we were very occupied and busy guarding the Northern gate here during the war. The Lord has positioned us to stand in defense from any evil or any escalation that could increase in those days.
After seeking the Lord about the decision to travel out of the country during the war, the Lord spoke clearly about the strategic timing of this gathering in connection with the significance of the covenant of Noah and Mount Ararat at this time.
When searching the Scriptures more to check about the timing of the flood and how it ended in Genesis chapter 8, it stood out to Rania that the date the flood had ended and the ark rested on Mount Ararat was on the 17th of the 7th month in the Hebrew calendar, which is the 2nd of October in the Gregorian calendar. In Genesis 8:6 -10 it says:
Then he sent out a raven, which kept going to and fro until the waters had dried up from the earth. 8 He also sent out from himself a dove, to see if the waters had receded from the face of the ground. 9 But the dove found no resting place for the sole of her foot, and she returned into the ark to him, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth. So he put out his hand and took her, and drew her into the ark to himself.
So 40 days after the ark rested on the mountain, Noah opened the window to release the raven and the dove. That would have been – when calculating the dates in the Gregorian calendar – 11/11. The first time the window was opened in the ark was on 11/11. Then the story continues with Noah waiting another seven days to release the dove again.
And he waited yet another seven days, and again he sent the dove out from the ark. 11 Then the dove came to him in the evening, and behold, a freshly plucked olive leaf was in her mouth; and Noah knew that the waters had receded from the earth.
Genesis 8:10-11
After the dove came back with the olive branch in her mouth, Noah waited another seven days to check the status of the water on the face of the earth. After the 14th day from the time the ark rested on the mountain, the water dried up.
So he waited yet another seven days and sent out the dove, which did not return again to him anymore.
Genesis 8:12
There were 14 days (two weeks) until the water dried up, and the sign was that the dove did not return to the ark. When looking into the Gregorian calendar again adding 14 days to 11/11, we get 25/11. This would be the day after the gathering in Armenia ends in the evening of the 24th. This timing was fascinating to Rania, as it was such a confirmation and a time set by the Lord. He made her aware that the remnant traveling to Armenia on this very place where the flood ended and the first covenant was made with mankind, will renew God’s covenant through building an altar there of united worship through the oneness of the family. Rania knew in her spirit that what will take place in Armenia will be closely connected to the war taking place in Israel, especially the fact that the campaign Hamas had started with the attack on Israel on the 7th of October was called “the flood of Al-Aqsa.” Rania sensed from the Lord that the worship and standing with the other representatives from the nations that had come to Armenia, would be a catalyst to restrain and reverse the plans of the enemy to release a global flood over the nations by igniting World War III.
Alongside the Arab Israeli family that travelled to Armenia, six members of our Messianic Jewish family joined as well in order for us to stand together in unity and renew our covenant as a family in this crisis time for Israel and the nations. Our unity as Arabs and Jews at this time in this strategic place of the most ancient covenant, Rania believes, was a turning point spiritually in order to bring vengeance on the enemy’s plans for destruction and annihilation of the Jewish people through this war. The Jewish people have shared that this was the worst massacre for them since the Holocaust!
Interestingly enough, the Armenian people have had a similar experience of a genocide, when around one million Armenians were murdered 108 years ago. The same spirit that killed the Armenian people did also kill the Jewish people in this current war – the spirit of Haman.
Our time together at the gathering was strategic and filled with worship and God’s heart for the nation of Armenia and the Armenian people, and their suffering throughout history was highlighted. There were prayers of healing and restoration, for the people of Armenia to rise up again as a bride joyful with beauty for ashes, commissioned as an Esther with a scepter in her hand and a crown on her head. This picture represents Armenia rising up for her calling with the authority God had entrusted her with.
In one of the sessions, the worship came to a deep moment of groaning, and while cries were coming out of the Armenian people as well as the global family travailing for the sake of the nation, Rania had a vision. It was a vision of the fountain of life, and you may view more the details of it here by clicking the following link:
In another deep moment of worship, there was such a strong sound going out from the worship team, where the whole group began to push in releasing the sound of the roar of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. At that moment, the Lord took Rania into another vision where she saw the Lion of Judah roaring from Mount Ararat, and she believes this vision is very strategic for God’s future purposes for this land. You may view the whole vision here on our website:
On one of the days of the conference, the leadership had planned for all the participants to go on a strategic journey to visit the site from which Mount Ararat can be seen. There were around 250 people who joined. While we were gathered on that site facing Mount Ararat, lifting up strategic prayers and declarations, God was reminding us of the rainbow being a sign of His faithful covenant of mercy for the preservation of mankind, and we believe He will release authority over the remnant He has called to execute His judgments on the earth.
We are grateful to all that the Lord had released in Armenia for the sake of this important nation in God’s overall plan for redemption as well as for the nations of the earth, and we believe Israel is in the epicentre of it all as the land of the covenant!
Our Arab Deborahs Arising Conference in September was an amazing event with 155 Arab women participants from all over the country incl. the West Bank, and a big ministry team of 23 wonderful, local as well as international believers, who had been invited to come up alongside the Arab women to pray for them and minister to them. With Karen Davis leading the worship in Hebrew and the HOPE worship team in Arabic, there was an amazing unity in the Spirit, as we were all worshipping the Lord together. The theme of the whole conference was, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you…” (Luke 1:35a), and the messages given by the different speakers at the conference were beautifully supporting one another in unity around this theme.
Rania opened the conference speaking about Mary and the words of the angel Gabriel to Mary, as he announced to her that she was chosen to become the mother of Jesus (Luke 1:35a). Even though Mary put herself in a dangerous place being pregnant and unmarried, she accepted her calling willingly and with humility, believing the Lord that nothing is impossible for Him. When we have the Holy Spirit, and we feel our own strength being drained from us through sickness etc., we must trust in the Lord and not in our own strength. Another word for “overshadowing” is “hovering.” The Holy Spirit was hovering like a dove when God created the earth. Every nation was born out of a woman’s womb, and salvation came from a woman’s womb. We are called to be carriers of the harvest within us, a harvest of salvation and a harvest of healing, and we should pray for the Lord to send more workers into the harvest field. As a symbol of the harvest, each woman received a beautiful gift which included a wheat bundle.
Elin Fakerbakke from Norway spoke about “the power of a surrendered life”, and she gave the example of Heidi Baker, who lives out the surrendered life through her ministry in Mozambique. Corrie Ten Boom said, “Let’s God’s promises shine on your problems.” God knows you, He loves you, and He wants to embrace you and restore you, and give you His love again. The prodigal son was satisfied eating from the pigs’ food, and at one point he did not feel worthy to be called a son anymore. While in the midst of trouble, he came to his senses and went back home to his father. Every day his father was looking for him, and the son, who had lost his identity as a son, returned home again. Not everything that happens to you is your fault, but we have a choice whether it will break us or make us. To choose Jesus in every part of our lives is a surrendered life. In the world to lay down one’s life is not good, but as believers it is good.
Pastor Linda Berling from Sweden continued speaking about not limiting God. We do not understand healing, if we do not understand the love of God. The apostle John was always close to the heart of Jesus, and even Peter had to ask John sometimes what Jesus was saying. Sometimes the pain we are carrying within is so deep that God has to place us on the operation table and put us to sleep. He wants us to stay in a certain position in order to heal something deep inside us. He will need to operate us to heal us, so that we can bring healing to others. Linda shared how her father had cursed her when she left university to become a street evangelist, but later when he got very sick close to death, she prayed for him, and he got 15 years more to live. Likewise, we will see Muslim people being touched by miracles, which is a key to harvest among Muslims, Linda said.
During the conference, we also heard the powerful testimony of Cameran Yarai, a Muslim background believer born in Iran. He shared of how he as a young man in Iran had had several visions of Jesus, and how he finally decided to give his life to Jesus as a 33-year-old in America. He also shared something important the Lord had said to him: “I call everybody my friend, but not everybody calls me his friend!” Even when Jesus does not live in our hearts, we live in His heart. If you want a Muslim to invite Jesus into his heart, invite the Muslim to your heart first!
Finally, Heidi Baker spoke about “casting out all the thorns.” When we do not love our brothers and sisters in the Body of Messiah then we are “eating our family.” We are called to honor, respect and love one another. We need to be present with the Lord and the people around us. God can do anything through anyone. No branch can bear fruit by itself (John 15). God told Heidi that He can do nothing without the Body of Messiah. We cannot walk in somebody else’s anointing, even though we might want to. We are all originals and need to walk in our own anointing, being the person, we are called to be. Only originals have value, whereas copies are worthless. God does not want to hear your “but,” only your “yes.” Even people who do not have a name given by people have a name by God. They are valuable, and He is asking you to stop for “the one.” Jesus is our personal savior. When you have a calling from God, and you are called to spend time with Him in the secret place, then throw out the schedule…!
During the whole conference, the Holy Spirit was moving powerfully, with many women receiving prayer, a healing touch from God, and prophetic words of encouragement. There were times when everybody in the room was dancing together filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, and it just went on and on, as nobody wanted to leave God’s presence, so we did indeed have to “throw out the schedule.”
We praise the Lord for blessing this conference in such an awesome way! May the Lord continue the good work He began in each of the Arab women during this conference and bring it to fulfilment according to His will (Phil. 1:6).
Click on the link to watch the recording Rania did with Sheila Walsh from TBN in Magdala on the 1st of March.
On the 9th of May, Rania was invited to speak at the ICEJ – ILC (International Leadership Council). She spoke about the unity between the Arab and the Jewish family in Messiah and the work of reconciliation that the Lord has led us to pioneer all these years.