Special Donations for Monthly Covering

HOPE mobilizes prayer and worship in Israel and the nations. We train and equip young people through weekly meetings and annual conferences, reaching several hundred young adults per year. We also train approx. 700 women leaders in the land with regular gatherings and training events. HOPE reaches thousands in the nations through speaking engagements, conferences, Zoom calls and social media. Each month, HOPE hosts 24 hours of prayer together with the weekly worship and prayer watches. Since the end of 2019, HOPE has experienced 424 creative miracles and has also seen many people healed and delivered.

Your monthly donation will make it possible for us to continue the work that the LORD has given us. To make a monthly or one time donation you can press on the DONATE  button below, this will direct you to give through Paypal or by credit card with monthly giving amount options or one time gift. The new building rent and operations cost $4600 per month, to set up regular payments, please check the check box “Make this a monthly donation”, Also make sure you choose “HOPE building Operations” in the drop down list.

We value your partnership and friendship for the advancement of His kingdom in Israel and the nations!



Prophetic Vision and Confirmations for HOPE’s New Building

At the end of last year, Rania began to search for real estate agents that she could partner with to find the best new premises for HOPE. Our present location has been blessed by God but has become too small for many of our activities. God connected Rania with a former classmate from 30 years ago. This led to the initial property purchase opportunity which we wrote about in January. Many of you, our friends and family, gave generously towards this vision. The funds given have been set aside for this purpose as soon as God opens the door for us to buy a property.

In the meantime, over the summer, God stirred Rania’s heart to search for a larger property again. Another former classmate showed her a property for rent which was about to be vacated. It consisted of a meeting room with a separate coffee area and office space, exactly fitting HOPE’s requirements. As Rania visited the property and shared the vision with close friends and HOPE’s Board Members, God began to remind her of long forgotten words and promises.

Yahweh says:
“When the time of showing you favor has come,
I will answer your heart’s cry.
I will help you in the day of salvation,
for I have fixed my eyes on you.
I have made you a covenant people to restore the land
and to resettle families on forgotten inheritances…
Lift up your head and look all around you.
See! All your children, your builders, gather to come back to you.
As surely as I live, I make this promise,” says Yahweh.
“You will wear them all like jewels,
as a radiant bride wears her beautiful jewelry!..
You thought you had lost the children,
but you will hear them say,
‘This place is too cramped for me.
Make more room for me to live in.’”

Isaiah 49:8, 18, 20 TPT

Please watch the video to hear more about how God led Rania and the many confirmations that He gave through Scripture and trusted friends.

Yom Kippur Prayer Call – Israel and China

On the Day of Atonement, 16th September, Rania joined with 105 Chinese believers from mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, America and Canada to pray into her Vision of the Eagle and the Rooster. Several key international leaders including Rick and Patricia Ridings, Sue Rowe and Orna Grinman joined this One New Man strategic prayer call. They joined together to repent for any evil alliances that the nations have been making, closing the doors to the evil that has been released over the last two years and opening the gates for God’s Kingdom to move forward from China back to Jerusalem. We are including a short summary of some of the highlights from this important prayer call:
  • God is raising up an army from the East, from the womb of the dawn (Psalm 110:3). Many believers in China are mourning over what has happened in this past season, but the Lord says that He will bring the dew. It is darkest right before the dawn. We are at the dawning of a new day. Awaken China and the Middle East to You and Your purposes!
  • The Lord has allowed some shakings. He sent us to hide in our rooms for a time, but now God is opening doors to go back to Jerusalem. God used the time we were hidden behind doors to cleanse and purify us. Now I believe we are coming into a season where He is closing some doors and opening others. We can close the doors to violence and hatred through the Key of David. Using that same key, we can open a door in heaven for more blessings to come down. We ask for forgiveness for times where in America, Israel and China we have worshipped the spirit of Mammon and where greed has encouraged evil destructive alliances.
  • As the eagle is a such a picture of God, bats are a sign of witchcraft and evil. Today, we take the Key of the House of the Tabernacle of David and we say let there be a closing of the door to hell from which these bats have come to bring such devastation on the earth. During this very special day of Yom Kippur, we command those bats to go back into the gates of Hell in the name of Yeshua. We take that same Key of David and we open every door that needs to open for travel along the Silk Road back to Jerusalem. We command the western gate from China to open into Central Asia, the Middle East and Jerusalem. Let the River of Life flow from China back to Jerusalem and drive back the spirit of death, may it bring millions out of death and into life. In the name of Yeshua.
  • The Lord is saying that you are looking at ploughed ground in which seed is being sown that will bear fruit in the future. The season has shifted. The warfare has shifted and thus the rooster is crowing. There is an awakening that God is calling us as forerunners into. There have been earthquakes and devastations everywhere, both physical and political. God said, “You are in the days of Noah” (Matthew 24:27). Yom Kippur carries a bigger weight this year than ever before. The rooster is crowing and the sound of war is in the atmosphere, but it is not a sound of fear for us. It is the sound of hope. Thus the eagle must rise. There is a significant alignment that the Lord is causing us to join today, both individual and corporate. The Lord is shouting over the Silk Road.
    The prayer movement is shifting into a watchman movement. Watchmen are living in community and working together. We are going into a time of wrestling, and God is calling His watchmen to stand firm.
  • We mature when we come into unity. The rooster and the hen cover the chicks. As we become a family in unity and oneness, then authority is released and we can rise up like eagles. There are Isaiah 42 gatherings in Asia. The Chinese must come into the fullness of their destiny at this time. As we cross over into the new year this Rosh Hashana, I feel a strength in my spirit and a call to no longer slumber. We have come to the time of Noah and a group of us are going to Sudan. In Genesis 9 the curse began when the two generations separated. Ham dishonoured his father. The Sudan church is in great division but has a small window of opportunity before the elections next year for the church to come together for revival. There is opposition, but what is needed now is the anointing of family and oneness. I feel a need for prayer to break that curse over Africa and the entire land. This trip to Sudan also signifies part of the Chinese people entering into their destiny.
  • One pastor shared that she had a dream about Rania on the day before she received the invite to this prayer call. In her dream she was on a family trip. The bus was running fast along a high mountain ridge (both sides were like a cliff). The road was narrow but flat. Suddenly they saw a familiar restaurant. Because of the high speed, they missed it but decided to make U-turn back to this restaurant which had a buffet. Everyone enjoyed the meal and chatting. Suddenly Rania appeared outside the window. She knocked on the window and asked, “Can I join you?” The pastor opened the window and replied, “Of course! welcome! You come in and join us!” Then she woke up from the dream.

After sharing the Lord’s Supper together, the meeting ended with the Chinese intercessors releasing a shout and a roar of the River of Life to bless Israel and the Middle East.

New Building Premises – Fall 2021


At this time of new beginnings, we are excited to share with you a SUDDENLY that God surprised us with. A few weeks ago, God led Rania to a recently refurbished rental property which amazingly meets all our requirements at the present time. The space is 200 square meters divided into two main areas: the first area is already renovated to be used as a coffee area and can also be used for training and fellowship for about 30-35 people, the second hall can be used for the prayer room, regular meetings and training days for youth and women for about 75-80 people. There is also a space for an office. Please see the video below for more info about this opportunity. The owner turned out to be a classmate of Rania’s from 30 years ago! The space is available to rent for now but there is a possibility that it will be for sale in the future with an option of including another floor. After some time in prayer we felt to move forward with this new building opportunity, we are now in a time of preparing the space and will be moving on the 1st of November.

We are so grateful to everyone who gave already towards the purchase of a new building. We will continue to search for a property that we can buy, either in the same building that we are renting, or at a different location as the Lord leads. All the funds donated for the purchase of a new property will be reserved for that purpose only. To donate towards the rental property, please select [New Building Operational Costs] when you give.


New Year 5782 and Building the House

Next month on the evening of the 6th of September, we will enter into a new Jewish year 5782. The prophetic artist, James Nesbitt has illustrated the significance of this year in his beautiful artwork, Building the House. This year is an intense time of building what the enemy cannot overcome. If the Lord puts it on your heart to give a Firstfruits gift at this strategic time, please follow this link to give online or see the other giving options at the end of this newsletter. More details about the new building will be sent next week.

Change of Date for Upcoming Arab Deborahs Conference

Due to the reintroduction of restrictions on the numbers of people gathering together, we are postponing the upcoming Arab Deborahs Arising Conference.

Please pray for God’s perfect timing when He will allow us to gather, particularly for Israel’s borders to open to allow our international team members to join us. Please see the prayer section for more details on praying for this event.

Completed Guest House Bathroom Renovations

While we are waiting for Israel’s borders to open, we took the opportunity to update HOPE’s guesthouse bathrooms. These bathrooms were over 40 years old and really needed the renovations to be ready to receive guests again soon. Please see the video below with the finished bathroom photos.

New Focus for Youth Meetings: the Secrets of the Vine

In August, we began a new focus for HOPE’s youth meetings, looking at the Secrets of the Vine from John 15:1-4. Rania had been praying and reflecting on recent revelations on the current season of sifting and threshing (see her vision of the Bride in the Field of Wheat), and preparing for a new series on the testing of our faith. During this time, one of HOPE’s intercessors had a dream about a vinedresser cutting and pruning a vine:

She saw herself standing in a farm where a farmer was pushing a cart full of branches. These branches were large, green and fresh vine branches. The man pushing the cart was the vinedresser. He was picking the long vine branches and gathering them in bunches and then placing them in the cart. She asked, “Why are you cutting off these branches, they look so beautiful? Why are you in such a hurry to cut and prune this vine?” He answered, “I have given it some time.” It seemed to her that these branches had been given time to bear fruit yet they did not yield any. The vinedresser put all these branches into the cart and took them away from the vine. She pleaded with the man, “Please, give it more time, give it another chance!” Then another man appeared and he was gentle, standing before the vinedresser with loving eyes. She felt that this man was the Lord Jesus. He spoke to the vinedresser and said, “Give them another chance!”

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes a so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.”