I had a dream on the evening of July 7th, 2018. I saw myself approaching an old library. Inside, I pulled out an old folder which became like a banner. The title: “The Return of the Glory!” was written on it.
The dream was so clear and the message is so simple yet powerful. We believe that the Lord is saying this is a season that He is about to pour back His glory into the land and in the nations. There is going to be a greater tangible manifestation in His land and in the nations. I believe that the new wine that this year is going to produce is the glory
“The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts. And in this place I will give peace, declares the Lord of hosts.’”
Haggai 2:9
With anticipation, we are believing the Lord to do this. We know that the nations have a vital part in pushing this through in prayer and faith. God is about to do what He has promised and there will be no more delay!
“… by Him who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and what is in it, the earth and what is in it, and the sea and what is in it, that there would be no more delay“
We had two powerful days on February 16th and 17th with our youth & women for training. We gathered at a church in the city of Tur’an in the Galilee. Barbara Yoder joined us from the U.S. and Mary Audrey Raycroft from Canada.
“For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.”
Romans 8:19
The theme of the training for women was, “The Revealing of the Sons of God, and How to Reign and Rule with Jesus.” We had 90 women register for this training. There were powerful times of worship, beginning with Ruth Fazal. For the other sessions, we had worship in Arabic. Barbara and Mary Audrey both brought powerful messages on the real authority that we carry in the Lord and taught us how to move in this authority.
There was a wonderful atmosphere of fellowship as we gathered around food that we had catered and for the times of training.
Thank you so much for those of you were praying for us during these times of training. We also are so thankful to those who have been sowing into our women and young people. We would not be able to do all this without you! The food that was catered was sponsored partially by the ministry, as well the rental for the meeting area.
Both Barbara And Mary Audrey had prophetic encouragements for our women, you can watch these videos below.
Barbara received a prophetic word about one of the roles that Arab women will play in the end times. You can hear her message in this video.
Mary Audrey also shared an encouraging word to the women which you can watch here.
This painting was created by Ahlam Sakhnini, one of the young women at HOPE. The Lord spoke to her about the heart, out of the heart of the Father springs forth life and light and beauty. The rose represents the deep joy and appreciation of the grace given to us as sons and daughters of God. The rose is deeply rooted in the heart of the Father, receiving the life and light. The Father is calling each one of us to arise and to shine, the light of the glory of God is risen above us!
This is His invitation and the reality of His goodness and loving kindness to us!
This banner was prepared by Deborah Robertson from Ireland. She was inspired to paint this after a vision seen by Rania. The nursing mothers of the land will become like lionesses arising as they break out of bondage.
“For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”
Romans 8:15
“Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall a land be born in one day? Shall a nation be brought forth in one moment? For as soon as Zion was in labor, she brought forth her children.”
Isaiah 66:8
The Lord moved powerfully during our last women’s conference in September. We had powerful times of ministry, breaking the spirit of the hatred of men, releasing a spirit of adoption, and growing in the prophetic. We were blessed to have several friends from 10 nations partner with us in ministering to the Arab women. We had workshops on prophetic intercession with Lila Terhune, prophetic worship with Julie Meyer, and prophetic art with Meg Jones & Luna Matar. We also had our beautiful friends like Lilo Keller (Switzerland), Briskilla Zaniniri (USA), and Elin Fagerbake (Norway) as our speakers. We had powerful times of worship led in Arabic by Jesura Adrenaly & Ikhlas Sadran. We also invited Julie Meyer to lead us in English, and our Messianic Jewish sister, Sarah Liberman, in Hebrew.
On the first evening of the conference we had an incredibly powerful & moving play led by Jesura. The play was based off two identical dreams that two women had in our community a few months before the conference. The play depicted a busy woman who gave birth to a baby girl. The new mother was very busy and distracted by many things. She kept putting off feeding her new little girl, which caused the baby to die. Struck with grief and desperation, the woman began crying out to God while holding her lifeless baby girl. The mother suddenly had the idea to hold her baby girl to her breast, and even though she was gone, she tried to feed her. As she did this, the milk began to come out, and the baby girl was resurrected! Jesura depicted this play so beautifully and it moved many of the women at the conference.
During the gathering we also dealt with the spirit of the hatred of men. We had Pastor Majdy, a father in the land, share with the women about how valuable he sees them, how they are each like a pearl in the hand of the Lord. Pastor Majdy also shared how he feels the heart of God for the Arab women who experience a lot of oppression. In a male dominated community, the voices of the women are silenced, and often suffer both verbal and emotional abuse. He began to ask the women for forgiveness on behalf of men. There were four other men, representing Jew, Arab, & Gentile, that stood with Pastor Majdy asking for forgiveness with an incredible display of brokenness & humility.
There was a lot of deep silence in the hearts of the women, because they did not know how to act or respond to the men’s humility. In the Spirit, we could see a huge wall that seemed almost impossible to break. This wall represented the burden of many, many years of pain. It looked like Pastor Majdy was pounding that big wall, but it was not coming down in the hearts of the wounded women. We were calling to the Lord for breakthrough! As the men were repenting, Rania asked the mothers of the land to come forward. In a powerful act of humility, Pastor Majdy went on his knees bowing down to wash the feet of these mothers. In this moment, the heavens opened, and the wall was shattered! This act of humility and lowliness, the men’s face literally on the floor, broke open the heavens and released a powerful breakthrough!
As they were touching the feet of the mothers, one of the mothers began wailing and travail was released. This travail shifted the whole atmosphere in the room, and many of the women began to cry and travail as well. When this happened, one of the Arab male leaders from the land, Bassem, began to ask for forgiveness on behalf of leaders in the Church for silencing the voices of the women. He began declaring freedom over them to be positioned back into their rightful place & right identity in the Church. The Lord was opening a deep ancient well of healing, and began to heal the wombs of the daughters of the land. We believe the healing of the wombs will break open the land for another wave of His Glory and Spirit to blow.
Village life ceased, it ceased in Israel, Until I, Deborah, arose, Arose a mother in Israel.
Judges 5:7
“When the mothers arise in the land, there is safety within it’s border,” Rania Sayegh
The Lord has been speaking to us prophetically and directing our hearts to the desire of His heart and will, for what He wants to do in this upcoming strategic gathering prior to Rosh Hashana – Feast of Trumpets.
We are anticipating a gathering of a powerful company of women that will hear the trumpet call and come to the land for a strategic time of prayer, seeking God’s heart, worship, and fellowship to release what’s on His heart for His land and people!
We are praying and believing the Lord to use this appointed time, which falls in alignment during the month of September, (two weeks prior to the beginning of the new strategic Hebraic year 2018 -Feast of Trumpets). We feel this will release a corporate trumpet call for the mothers, as Deborah, to arise in the land and begin to position themselves in the army, His family — to partner with Him to release the spirit of adoption through the revelation of the mother’s and father’s heart of God. It’s time for corporate heart cry from the generations in His land, “Abba Father!”
The Lord spoke to us that this next gathering in September is strategic, as it is the fifth strike in the ground (our fifth conference) for a time of healing and establishing our spiritual boundaries victoriously. The Lord has given us the privilege to partner with Him, to see this movement among Arab women in the land of Israel birthed in September 2015. We are witnessing His glory being revealed in new way like never before; new wine skins being prepared for His new wine to be poured out, joy in the unity among women, an army of women emerging to advance the Kingdom, and freedom to be released to their destiny.
One of the key verses the Lord spoke to us for this upcoming conference is:
“Who has heard such a thing? who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought f-forth her children.” Isaiah 66:8
Briskilla Zananiri sharing her experience in Arab Women Conference “For Such A Time as This” :
“Being a part of the February Esther Conference was a joy. I’m using the descriptive word “joy” because JOY was such a part of all that took place. One could feel the pleasure of God for what was taking place. His heart expression towards us was a memory worthy to be remembered. We were taught about His Glory by Barbara Yoder, and were captured by His presence when He came. We were given a prophetic understanding, by Rania Sayegh, of some of the personal developments God desired to equip us with in 2017.
We celebrated through worship as Sarah Lieberman, Jesra, and Rachel Boskey (with the band) led the way. For me teaching about the power of words was an ongoing experience, as this conference was a place where Jesus chose to meet me personally each day. My memories will be locked into the beauty of His presence and the delight of His heart regarding these beautiful women who so happened to be of Arab and Jewish descent. Incredible days in His presence.
The gathering of Arab and Jewish young people was an event remembered by the honest conversation Barbara Yoder had with them, the beautiful time of worship by Magd, and the wonderful time of personal ministry given to each young person in attendance. Wow, it is so true that God has set in place ministering spirits who are sent to strengthen, heal, and equip His saints. To witness the development of God’s generation is such a joyful blessing!!!”
I had a vision as I was praying for England. It’s actually a vision for the entire United Kingdom. I saw one of the four Living Creatures that are around God’s Throne form over each of the countries of the United Kingdom:
1. England – a lion
2. Wales – an eagle
3. Ireland – a calf
4. Scotland – a man
I saw the dynamic that was among them. As the Lion (England) began to roar, I saw the sound vibration of its roar which went forth and caused vibration in the rest of the countries.
The Eagle (Wales) began to raise his wings, screech and then fly carried by the sound. Interestingly, the Ox /Calf (Ireland) was behind a cage but the sound broke the gate and the Ox began to run. The Man (Scotland) began to move his feet as if he had been tied up and then he began to dance over the land.
I felt that England will rise up with authority as a Lion, and release the sound of worship and praise like never before, a new sound being released in the land. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah will roar in response over the UK. And the deliverance and victory will manifest in the raising of the identity of each of the nations in the UK for His Throne of Glory to be built and established. There is an alignment that is coming over these nations; the sound of the pride of Lions will set things on course and in a new order!
It’s been such a strategic and busy time in the month of May. Three weeks of travels to 3 nations; England, Switzerland and France were beautiful and strategic.
The Lord opened the door for me to minister in England for 11 days, which was a very strategic and fruitful time. Karen Gower and Amanda Harris (good friends and the directors of “Your people my People” ministry) hosted me during this time. It has been a real blessing and privilege to minister in the nation: to teach and speak in different conferences, church meetings, and one college. Needless to say this included lots of driving and travel. Much happened during these days as I ended my time in the nation with a strategic prophetic act in Norwich city (in partnership with the house of prayer director, Jill Gower).
The Lord showed me vision before I left for England. I asked Him “How will You establish Your throne of Glory over the UK?” He responded by showing me a vision. I saw over each country forming the United Kingdom the faces of the four creatures in the throne:
England – Lion
Wales – Eagle
Ireland – Calf
Scotland – Man
I saw the dynamic among them, the Lion began to roar (England) and when she began to roar the Lion of the Tribe of Judah began to roar over her, I saw the vibration of the sound of the roar went and vibrated to the rest of the countries. The Eagle (Wales) began to raise his wings and screech and then take flight, carried on the sound of the roar.
Then the calf (Ireland) looked like it was behind a cage and as the sound of roar reached the cage, the gate broke open and the calf was released and began to run.
Then the man (Scotland) looked like he his feet were bound, and when the sound of the roar touched his feet it broke the chains and the man was loosed and began to move his feet and danced over the nation!
I felt that as England will arise with its authority as a lion, and release the sound of worship and praise like never before, a new sound would be released in the land. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah will roar in response over the U.K. and the deliverance and victory will manifest in the rising of the identity of these nations, for His throne of glory to be established. There is an alignment that is coming over the nation. The sound of the pride of lions will set things on course and in a new order.
My time in Switzerland was strategic falling during Shavout (Pentecost). I was hosted by our dear friends, an amazing father and mother in Europe, Geri & Lilo Keller. It was such an honor to walk the land with them and pray at strategic wells of revival where God had previously visited. Stepping in the places where God moved and to come into agreement with His heart on what He wants to release once again was amazing. Greater glory is being marked, as this year is the 500 year anniversary for the church reformation.
The last part of the trip ended in Southern France where Ray and Renaid Almgren, a French pastor, and I traveled to Cevennes region where the Huguenots prophetic movement was birthed. We were hosted by Henning whom I met in Norway 2 years ago. He is running the YWAM base in that region. We visit the “desert” museum for the Huguenots. This is a very moving and sobering place. To realize the level of persecution yet perseverance that they endured for their faith during the time period of the church reformation, was beyond words.
On the day of Pentecost we went to the location where Antonio Court declared that churches weren’t any longer allowed to welcome the movement of the Holy Spirit not the utterances of prophesy. On that day we went to that location and prayed to reverse the decree made and welcomed the Holy Spirit back into France, asking the Lord for another fresh outpouring of His Spirit over the region and for France to arise again to become a prophetic voice to the nations. Afterwards we traveled up to the Cevennes mountains. This was a 3KM walk. We continued our climb to a high place called “The Eagles Rock”. There we prayed for the rising of the eagles in France and the nations.
Passover Season was a memorable one here, followed by a day of training and activation for the women of the region, on the subject of the prophetic. During the seven days of Passover, Briskilla and I traveled around the nation of Israel to pray over the borders of the land. The purpose was for God’s protection, and to see the return of His glory to be made evident. He directed us to strategic cities and sites, covering locations from the north of the land to the south and from the west to east. We believed and decreed, within these boundaries of the nation, that in this season of resurrection power, the winds of the Spirit would blow again over our land. His instruction was, “Before Passover is complete the boundaries of the nation must be re-established and secured”.
And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.
1 Peter 1:19
We felt the Lord was leading us to move ahead with plans to launch the School of Prayer HOPE is establishing in the land, in order to equip the younger generation and the women of the land. This event was that launch. We are grateful that this day proved to be a fruitful day of teaching, activation, worship, prayer, and fellowship with the Arab women around the Galilee region. Around 70 out of 100 invited Arab women attended this event.
We believe that as Arab women are moving forward with the Lord corporately; that this is the time to take seriously and provide the training to equip the kingdom family for the battle. This will assist with the corporate body standing as a prophetic intercessory power in the land, positioned with authority. This is key! His faith-filled decrees released by the locals, through prophetic worship & intercession will strengthen the land and her people.
We were blessed to have with us again, our friend and daughter of the land: Briskilla Zananiri. She and I were privileged to minister to our local sisters on this day.
Let the high praises of God be in their throats and two-edged swords in their hands
Psalm 149:6
We are so grateful for all of you who are standing with us in relationship, love, prayer, and encouragement. For you to share with us, to witness, and hear the testimonies of the Lord’s plans and purposes established in our region is important to us. The HOPE staff, the local Arab women of the land, and I are so grateful to our global family! Without your relationship, without your prayer support, and generosity, we honestly would not be able to witness His plans nor see the desire of His heart manifest among our women in His land! Growth is happening! Thank you for your part!!
The Lord has done mighty and powerful things in our midst, I believe we have entered into an new season of His glory, we feel we have shifted into a fullness of time for His promises, and words over our lives, families and land are now blossoming. He is watching over His word to perform it! (Jeremiah 1:11-12).
Two days before the conference began, 20 wonderful women making up the international & local ministry team (represented from 7 nations) joined us to pray, intercede, and share what the Lord was saying. These meeting were outstanding, as the Lord was revealing His heart to us on what He is longing to do for us and through us in this new season.
We are so grateful for each one of these amazing mothers who came to minister to our women and land! What a privilege it was to host them! This year, we were greatly blessed to have more local mothers involved in the ministry team-both Arab and Jewish sisters together. So beautiful and full of memorable moments. What a joy it was to watch as the Holy Spirit knit our hearts with His heart, and revealed what it was He wanted to release. We experienced an expression of a deeper unity being formed among us.
One hundred Arab women attended the February conference, from 22 different churches. We were also blessed to experience the meetings with a few of the members of our Jewish family. God’s unity and love between the two mothers, Sarah and Hagar, is expanding. This is so precious to the Lord and to us as we witness its unfolding.
We have seen the Lord move in mighty ways during this gathering of mothers and daughters. We felt the Lord was saying, “The time has come for My Glory to be released again into your lives and land.” The Lord gave us the sign of the blooming almond tree, stating, “This is the time of the fulfillment of My Word”. He was leading us in this conference to focus on “the purification of the tongue and how to become carriers of His glory” in order to, be His mouthpiece releasing His life on earth through worship & prophetic decrees.
The speakers for this conference were, Barbara Yoder, Briskilla Zananiri and myself. We began the conference by casting the vision and my personal journey of preparing for the glory of God. It was a joy to speak of different principles that God shared with me regarding the role of the tongue, intimacy, worship, and being abandoned to God by wholehearted obedience no matter what the cost is. The presence of God was so strong in this first session, where the cloud of His glory was evident in our midst even the weather outside was full of fog and mist (cloud of Glory) as a sign of His coming!
During the second session Briskilla laid the foundation on the power of the tongue and His spoken Word. The Lord released clarity on how to become His mouthpiece, speaking His decrees and wielding the Sword of the Spirit. This session ended with women consecrating their mouth to God. The desire to be used of God; to speak His Words and become agents of blessing in Israel was genuine. This is fun: Each woman was given a fun gift of Lipstick made by Japanese company. The uniqueness of this product is that it changes color according to the temperature of the lips.This was an amazing idea as a prophetic token to remember this life changing message of Isaiah 6.
In the evening session, we had powerful time of worship. For the first time, and directed through a dream, we had a local Jewish Messianic worship leader with us. It was a true joy to have Sarah Liberman with us. This was also her first time to lead worship in an Arab women’s conference while singing in Hebrew. Yes, it was a beautiful time filled with the Spirit of God, where we felt a deep sound coming forth from the heart of the land. Dance broke forth in the room where Arab and Jewish women were dancing together. Barbara Yoder then, released a powerful message on the external glory and our preparation.
The next day was full, as we had another 3 sessions during this day. During the morning session, Sarah Liberman lead worship followed by Barbara Yoder continuing her message on “The Glory, the Internal Glory We Are Called To Carry!”
The following session, we had powerful time worshiping in Arabic with our friend Jesura Adranely leading in worship. We felt the weighty presence of God come in the room, where the women where undone by His Glory. We had to stop as the Glory of God was overwhelming. Women began to weep, others fell on the floor not being able to carry themselves. God’s Spirit released laughter and weeping, in response to His coming.
One of the “signs” of this moment was when one of the Arab women (a worship leader and pastor’s wife) released a prophetic song during the time of honoring Him and His presence. She released a song in tongues sounding like the Spanish language. Our translator in the conference, supernaturally could translate the words into Arabic, understanding the Spanish language. His glory lingered in the room.
It was wonderful to have Barbara Yoder follow this precious time of waiting on Jesus. Her message was on what God is saying for this season, with emphasis on the power of praise and the importance of worship as this is the season where Judah (the tribe of praise) goes first!
The last session, Briskilla ministered to the women on the power of prophetic decrees and activated the women on opening their ears and hearts to the Holy Spirit to hear. The conference ended with the ministry team anointing each woman, and commissioning the women to become His voice in the land. The commissioning consisted of each woman having a time of prayer with a piece of coal from Wales available to them, in representation of the Isaiah 6 encounter of prophet Isaiah. This was beautiful symbolism of Isaiah’s commissioning with the coal of fire from the throne of God. Each woman had the opportunity to profess her commitment to, “YES, I want my lips to be cleansed and to become His voice in the land!”
Briskilla Zananiri sharing her experience in Arab Women’s Conference “For Such A Time as This”:
“Being a part of the February Esther Conference was a joy. I’m using the descriptive word “joy” because JOY was such a part of all that took place. One could feel the pleasure of God for what was taking place. His heart expression towards us was a memory worthy to be remembered. We were taught about His Glory by Barbara Yoder, and were captured by His presence when He came. We were given a prophetic understanding, by Rania Sayegh, of some of the personal developments God desired to equip us with in 2017.
We celebrated through worship as Sarah Lieberman, Jesra, and Rachel Boskey (with the band) led the way. For me teaching about the power of words was an ongoing experience, as this conference was a place where Jesus chose to meet me personally each day. My memories will be locked into the beauty of His presence and the delight of His heart regarding these beautiful women who so happened to be of Arab and Jewish descent. Incredible days in His presence.
An Arab woman sharing her testimony with Rania from the “For Such A Time As This” conference:
Peace sister Rania. May the Lord bless your life and bless the labor of your love and blessed ministry for Jesus Lord of Glory.
I want to share with you concerning the women’s conference, how wonderful and a great blessing it was for everyone and especially for me, for my life. The Lord blessed me abundantly and gave me extraordinary favor through His blessed presence and I want to testify about the blessing and the glory that came on me during the conference and especially during the time of prayers. I remember I was waiting for any of the blessed sisters to come and pray for me and encourage me, and during this time I was praying that the Lord would bless me with a new and supernatural touch in my life … so one of the visiting international sisters came to me and she was filled with the glory and presence of the Lord, and the moment she wanted to lay her hand on my head to pray, the powerful glory and presence that was on her reflected on me, and the next thing I know, I am in the floor.
I experienced the Lord mightily and though I wanted to get up but I couldn’t as the presence of the Lord was holding me powerfully, and they told me that I was shaking because of the strength of the presence on me. Sister Andera was encouraging me during this time and I could hear her telling me to not be in haste to get up as the Lord touched my life and He wants to empty it from things and He wants to bless me. She told me to take advantage of the opportunity and to hold onto His presence.
A wonderful experience. At the end of the conference, a sister who was sitting next to me all the time during the conference encouraged me very much as she told me that the Lord has laid on her heart a message for me and she wants to deliver it to me, and she prophesied over me with the words from the Lord. She encouraged me tremendously and I felt that the Lord lifted me up miraculously and I went home filled with this blessing, and I encouraged my family very much and the Lord promised me that He will bless me and bless my family and bring salvation to my household if I hold onto Him and His words and promises that are truth for my life. I give Him all the glory for ever and ever.
May the Lord truly bless you sister Rania, you are a source of support and encouragement to many. May the Lord lift you up more and more and keep you and cover you with His blood in every place you are in.