We have seen the Lord move in mighty ways in this gathering of mothers and daughters of the land. We felt the Lord was saying it’s time to go higher in Him and possess the high places. He was leading us in this conference to focus on “the healing of hearts;” in order to, possess the land of hearts back to Him.
The speakers have blessed us greatly. Each one was lead by the Lord to speak to us the Word of the Lord! We began the conference with Rania casting vision regarding the heart of Deborah as a ruler in the nation. The fact that she ruled the land in justice by bringing the Kingdom of God, through humility and love was addressed. We opened up the first session with a fun play that gave a deep message of riding the donkey into Jerusalem as Jesus rode it to declare His kingdom in His city.
During the first evening’s session, Lilo Keller laid the foundation on the importance of forgiveness and being set free from bitterness, The Lord brought through clarity given with practical steps to practice. Many women came forward asking for personal ministry, desiring to be released in this area.
The next day was full, as we had 4 sessions during this day; which included, an afternoon seminar on prophetic art activation (for the Arab women this was a first!). Meg Jones from USA and Deborah Robertson from Northern Ireland were such amazing blessing. They both were used in the prophetic arts during the worship time. Such fun was experienced as they activated the creative gifting in our women.
The following session, our friend Elin Fakerbekke founder of the Women Network in Norway, ministered to the women’s hearts. She touched on the deep issue of the worthiness of women and their true identity. This time was uplifting and life-giving as each woman heard the truth. It is such a privilege to have a part of this wonderful Norwegian family with us in covenanted partnership. A true joy to have 8 of these amazing women with us to pray for and affirm the women of the land.
One of the highlights of our time together was the afternoon session where we dealt with a deep issue among our women, which has bound many for years. Rania spoke on the place of women and their authority as one called to crush the head of the serpent. In her message she shed the light on the misogynistic stronghold (hatred of women), which needs to be broken off the Arab women. During this session, there was such a tangible presence of the Lord. It was a sober moment when corporate agreement of local & international mothers confessed the generational sin and the curse that this spirit brought on our people, and asked the Lord to break it off of us personally and corporately! This moment was deeply moving and powerful as the cries of the women were released like a roar from the depth of their souls–being delivered and freed!
Following this deep issue of misogyny the Lord lead our friend and daughter of the land Briskilla Zananiri to minister to the women on a deep and crucial subject, which she called “The Perfect Storm”. Briskilla addressed the 3 spirits that creates a storm in our lives; accusation, jealousy, and rejection. This time was powerful as Briskilla lead the women to confess any agreement with and any influence of these spirits in their hearts. The only antidote of healing is to be baptized afresh by the love of God! The release of love in our midst has knit the hearts of the women together in deeper unity like never before. Glory to the One who is able to do for us what we can’t do for ourselves!
In the third and last day, we had a significant time during the morning session ministering to the women on Isaiah 54 and the expansion of the place of our dwelling and strengthening our tent pegs in the ground. During this session the Lord lead us during the ministry time to call the mothers and their daughters forward. There was quite a good number of mothers who registered their daughters with them. This was a sign to us that God wanted this place to become a safe place, where mothers could bless their daughters and celebrate them as a gift from the Lord, releasing them back to the Lord to be free to fulfill the calling of God on their lives. This time of generational blessing was outstanding, where the presence of the Lord was so deep and tangible–the waters of their tears healed as mothers and daughters embraced and wept together.
I (Rania) felt that the Lord released a river of healing over our land, as the curse on the generations was broken by blessing the next generation and celebrating motherhood and daughter-hood. Glory be to the Lord, who has shown Himself mighty to deliver!
A precious moment took place in this session when Jewish and Arab mothers and daughters in agreement, prayed and declared this young generation belongs to the Lord! A prophetic act was done to seal the moment by putting a tent peg in the ground for both Arab and Jewish young people in the land!
The conference ended with Briskilla releasing a word of encouragement to the women to go higher in God and stand for what is rightfully theirs. She encouraged them them to begin to change the normal routine of life by allotting “5 minutes” on their daily calendar to do something that fits with the desire/goal of their hearts for their family and regions. We felt the best way to send the women back to their homes, is to create a prayer tunnel and send them out as the ministry team blessed and anointed each one!
This was such a powerful and joy-filled time of fresh anointing falling on the women as they were touched by God and sealed with His fiery love!
A life changing testimony of an Arab Woman!
An Arab woman shared her testimony with Rania from the last Arab Deborah’s Arising #2 conf:
“The Lord is good and the work of His hand in my life is evident. You don’t know me and know nothing about me, but I want to write and briefly share with you three things that happened to me when the Lord met with me during these three days: First, I entered with an expectation for something great though I did not realize what it may be, but during the three days, I received healing from remnants of the past, and when I say past I mean 58 years ago, since my birth. As I was writing, the Lord reminded me of dreams I used to have that I was birthing a new child, and this dream came back several times and I didn’t understand the meaning of it.
I always analyzed my dreams as having something to do with a new birth of one of my children. But after the conference I dreamt again and then I realized that this is the Lord’s purpose for me. Hallelujah. Rania, when you prayed with us to break the curse of the spirit of hatred of women, I cried out of the depth of my heart and the crying was actually healing, breaking away and release. Each word on the prayer booklet that was given in the conference was as if the Lord had written it for me.
This is the new birth; and that is when I understood what the Lord was wanting to proclaim to me. I was strengthened by every meeting; being assured in the Lord that I am not abandoned and left. I received promises from the Lord for me and my household, which strengthened me a lot, encouraged me and pushed me forward and my trust in the Lord grew. Every day in the conference I received healing and deliverance through your teaching and your love for everyone. This came through many different ways. Even through each sister I encountered. Through sister Priscilla I was delivered from the spirit of jealousy.
Through sister Rania I learned my value in the Lord. Through your preaching I learned of my role, my mission and my significance in the Lord as a warrior. I was attached to the house and couldn’t pray with authority, but I was delivered from the bonds of fear and I know that I can do all things through Christ. This shift and boldness through sister Jesura and the cry that came from within as lioness from all the pain and hurt that was inside me … I was delivered through the cry of pain. Ohh … the level of pain inside me that I was carrying!!! Through sister Lilo Keller, the breaking of the spirit of witchcraft from my family and from my ancestors was broken.
I achieved a unity in prayer with my husband. Previously, I was ridiculed that my son was entrapped in the world of magic. Tamer was a believer and in his fifth year learning medicine, but he went back on his thoughts and decided this wasn’t for him and he began to get involved in magic and sorcery. Mama Lilo prayed and broke the spirit and curse of witchcraft. Not long ago, Tamer began to change, even his face changed. He used to have a dark face filled with hatred, blame and hostility, but he decided to go out and participate with the ‘Salma’ dancing team, and I saw the hand of the Lord and change with him, and the Lord promised that Tamer is a servant of His. Another thing is that when I returned from the conference I shared with my husband and I asked that we pray for him so I took his hand and Mama Lilo told me that it is not important that he prays at the beginning. Take hold of his hand and so I did and prayed and sanctified and broke any anti-Christ spirit.The third change and the most important which I used to cry to the Lord for is that my husband began to read the Bible.
All through the time of the Succoth feast, about 20 days of reading, worshiping and praying and he heard sermons and songs … a great change. I thank the Lord for everything He did through you.A change came to my home through what the Lord did in my husband’s heart. It is clear that the Lord is working in his heart and has changed him and today my husband allows the Lord more and he is available to the Lord more. And my children see their father sitting and just reading and studying the word of the Lord from several books in English, Arabic, Hebrew and Aramaic … the hand of the Lord is so clear in deliverance.
I prayed with my husband to break the curse of poverty and debts and drinking, and the Lord has broken every curse from our ancestors. I thank the Lord for His work in my life and for the healing and deliverance and power that I received on my inside with greater trust in the Lord. Rania, I am a social worker and I saw many psychologists but the it was the work of the Holy Spirit that healed me, released me and made me grow. I thank you very much.
Continue on with such conferences that are so important for women. You are doing a great service to every woman who is broken on her inside and this work is not taken for granted, so continue because there are many women who are mistreated, abandoned, crushed, filled with bitterness and sadness, pain and ridicule.
Believe me that I have seen a lot and in all I have seen in my work, I have not seen any healing like that of the Holy Spirit! Continue dear sister, and may all the team with you be blessed.”