Prophetic Revelation For Year 2008

Dear Prayer Warriors,

As we step into this year 2008, the Lord was revealing some key things to pray and intercede for our land and the body of Christ in the coming season.


Please read this prayerfully and stand with us in this coming time for the release of God’s purposes into our region and the nations.

This is the time of new beginnings!

To view the article please press on the following link:

 Prophetic revelation year 2008 – Arabic

 Prophetic revelation year 2008 – English



The Pursuit Of GOD

Dear Brother/Sister,

In these end days we have been so busy with God’s work to the extent that we lost the art of seeking His face and finding Him. What was the deepest desire of old men & women who sought GOD?

They desire God above all. They are athirst to taste for themselves the `piercing sweetness’ of the love of Christ about Whom all the holy prophets did write and the psalmists did sing.

Check this article written by A.W Tozer about the Pursuit of GOD and may this lit the fire inside of you for new fresh pursuit after His amazing presence!

More on this link: The Pursuit of GOD

In hot pursuit of Him,

– Rania

Global Day of Prayer 2007

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Please find the prayer guide for the 10 days of prayer leading up to the global day of prayer on May 27th. We invite you to join with us for these 10 days to prepare the way for a greater Pentecost!

The prayer guides are both in English and Arabic.

Here’s the Arabic version:

To download please press on the following link: GDOP 10 days prayer guide – ARABIC

Here’s the English version:

To download please press on the following link: GDOP 10 days prayer guide – English

Let’s stand together with fervent prayers!


Prophetic Revelation For Year 2007

Dear Prayer Warriors,

As we step into the new year, the Lord was revealing some key things to pray and interceed for our land and the body of Christ in the coming season.

Please read this prayerfully and stand with us in this coming time for the release of God’s purposes into our region.

This is the time of restoration of all things!

To view the article please press on the following links:

Prophetic Revelation for year 2007 – Arabic

Prophetic revelation on year 2007-English


Prophetic Poem For Nazareth

The Lord has opened the door for a prayer group from Rochester NY – The Prayer Mobile Group, to visit us in HOPE in October.

The Lord spoke to the group leader Suzan Ferraro, to write this prophetic poem for Nazareth before coming.

The poem is also a prayer strategy for Nazareth which the Lord spoke to Suzan before coming.

It’s such a touching poem which deeply speaks the Lord’s heart for His home town. This is another amazing confirmation from the Lord for what He already spoken to us!

We glorify His name!


Too Busy To Pray?

The Characteristics of Prayer By Alice Smith

“. . . rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer . . .” 

Romans 12:12, KJV

Too often prayer is our last resort rather than our first response. The Apostle Paul challenged the Christians in Rome to be instant in prayer (Rom. 12:12, KJV). The next time you hear the whine of an ambulance’s siren or hear the report of a tragedy on the television news or listen to a troubled person pour out his heart to you, ask yourself, “How am I to pray?”

Do you think you are too busy to pray? Even nature needs to pay attention to the needs around it. Some years ago, many hives of bees were brought from a cold climate to the tropical island of Barbados. Right away the bees went to work, gathering honey for the winter, which their instinct taught them to expect. The winter didn’t come, however, and the bees became lazy. They stopped gathering honey. They spent their time flying about and stinging people. Those who do not produce anything else usually produce trouble.

Let’s not be church whiners, or those who sting with gossip and division. Let’s be producers – producers of effective and targeted prayers for the good of humanity and the glory of God.

Let’s Think About It

Describe a time when you felt God was directing you to pray about something specific.

How did you respond to His promptings?

We learned the past several weeks about the importance of perseverance in prayer.

Describe a time when you prayed for something for a long time.

What happened?

Can you think of a time when you prayed consistently for something, but the answer never came?

Why do you think your prayer was not answered?

We have learned about three kinds of people who do not pray. Describe why these types of people might not see their need for a prayer life.

1. A strong person

2. A satisfied person

3. A slothful person

Jesus said that He did nothing except what He saw the Father doing. How does this apply to your prayer life?

Your Time With God

In these lessons we learned some of the characteristics of prayer.

Our method of praying should always be genuine, current and persistent. Remember what George Müller said. When he was persuaded that something was the will of God, he would never give up praying for it until the answer came.

Your loving heavenly Father is ready to hear and answer your prayers. Take time today to share your deepest burdens with the Lord. Pour out your heart freely as you express your desire for a closer and more intimate walk with Him. Ask God to teach you how to pray.

Why don’t you read aloud this prayer to the Lord?

“Lord Jesus, I am so happy to know You as my Lord and Savior. I long to know You better. Forgive me if I’ve felt intimidated in Your presence.

I want to be like the men and women of old who believed You for great things and saw them happen. I desire to pray current, genuine and persistent prayers. I want to live a clean life so You can use me.

Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, and empower me to pray the kinds of prayers that matter to the kingdom of God.

Give me strength to resist believing that You don’t care about my needs or burdens, because I know You do care. You love me unconditionally, and I happily receive Your love, grace and encouragement to keep on keeping on.

I surrender to Your will for my life today, Lord.

In Jesus’ name, amen.”