Mural in Nazareth in Support of Iranian Women

This last month, the city of Nazareth was blessed by the creation of a special mural in support of the freedom fight of the Iranian women. The mural was painted by the Jewish Israeli artist, Benzi Brofman, in collaboration with the Iranian-American filmmaker and entrepreneur, Hooman Khalili, who came to Israel especially from San Francisco to carry out the project, and on January 31, the opening ceremony for the new mural took place in Nazareth. Please check the following links to news articles in the Jerusalem Post and Ynet News, Israeli media channels, talking about the mural in Nazareth.

The photos below are from the opening ceremony. The prophetic word, “It’s time for the Esthers of the world to rise up,” a prophetic word that Rania shared with Hooman Khalili, and when Hooman heard that declaration, he felt from the Lord it should be included in the mural in Nazareth. In the last photo, Rania is with the Israeli artist, Benzi Brofman.

Vision of the Tree Coming Alive from Nazareth: 30/01/2023

By Rania Sayegh

During the watch we had with our women intercessors group, I saw in an open vision the tree painted in the mural in Nazareth, where a branch is shooting forth from the root of the tree and blooming, coming alive. In the vision, the roots of the tree were going deeper and deeper in the city of Nazareth, spreading forth to the left and the right, and as the roots went deep into the earth, they were moving powerfully. All the roots of the tree were hidden, but they were spreading all over becoming bigger and bigger, until they broke forth above the ground, and that unseen tree with its roots could now be seen by all. Underneath the roots there was a reservoir of water, and when the roots went deeper, fountains of water began to explode from the ground and wash the land going forth from Nazareth to Israel and the nations!

There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse,
And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.
The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him,
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might,
The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.
(Isaiah 11:1-2)

In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
(Revelation 22:2)

For His glory,


Review of the Year 2022

As we look back on 2022, it is with thanksgiving in our hearts for every blessing God poured out upon us this past year. The review below is in the form of a mini book in which you can turn the pages and click to see each video and article featured.



Praise Report: Middle East/Isaiah 19 Highway Conference in Cyprus

In November, HOPE was invited by Tom Craig to participate in a special Isaiah 19 Highway “Net” Conference in Cyprus from the 15th to the 20th of November. HOPE has been part of the “Net” conferences in the past, as well, however we did not have the chance to go the last two times. Tom Craig, the founder of the “Net” conferences, extended his invitation to Rania and the young people in the HOPE worship team, after being with us doing a training day at HOPE. We prayed and sensed the Lord was calling us to go, so a total of 9 people from Nazareth, including five young people from the HOPE worship team, Rania and a couple of other mothers and intercessors from HOPE, travelled together to Cyprus.

The theme of the whole conference was about building the Isaiah 19 Highway, but also knitting the hearts of the generations together. It is promised in Malachi that the Lord will pour out the spirit of Elijah to knit the hearts of the generations together, and turn the hearts of the fathers and mothers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers and mothers. The time in Cyprus was very profound with moments of worship and sharing hearts.

Each session was a presentation of a nation in the Isaiah 19 Highway, like for example first Egypt shared, then Lebanon, and then Israel. In the morning, the fathers and the mothers of the nation shared. Both Rania and Karen Davis, as well as internationals serving in Israel, shared on the third day. Rania and Karen Davis, an Arab and a Jewish mother in Israel, each shared about their journey and what God had been speaking to them in this season in relation to the younger generation. In the afternoon each day, the younger generation shared what God had been speaking to their hearts, as they were honoring the generation of the mothers and the fathers. These moments of sharing were very deep and full of the love of God and the honor of the generations; a real modern-day expression of the anointing and the spirit of Elijah falling on this generation. At the same time, it was a sharing of the challenges and prayer points for Israel, what we should be standing for, and how we can move together to build the highway of Isaiah 19. Our young people also shared part of the time, and it was powerful to hear each one of them sharing what God had been speaking. One of the highlights was when Ronza was sharing about God coming to redeem the land of His love, and how His love, which is higher, will be the inheritance of the younger generation. After having shared her heart, she spontaneously started singing a prophetic song, and by clicking the link below you can watch the two and a half minutes recording of her song.

At the conference, we also had a very powerful time of prayer for Iran and the women in Iran. The presentation from Iran was done by a woman, who has a heart for Israel and the Isaiah 19 Highway, and as she stood as representative of Iran, we all cried out together as women from across the Isaiah 19 Highway for the women in Iran and the verdict for their freedom.

Another powerful moment took place toward the end of the presentation from Israel, as we were praying and asking the Lord to bring healing between Lebanon and Israel. As Arabs and Jews from Israel stood together with Lebanese leaders, a key on which it was written that we are one family was brought by a young person from the house of prayer in Nazareth. The key was given to Lebanon to be placed in the hands of our Jewish sister Karen Davis as a representation and prophetic act that both families are getting into a covenant of one family together, a marriage of both nations, and a covenant for these nations is taking place. At the same time, a divorce between Lebanon and Iran is taking place, as the Lord will bring down the spirit of Islam and terror that Iran is feeding into Lebanon trying to control the nation, and instead bring freedom to the people of Lebanon. It was a very powerful time of victory and worship toward the end, where everyone was dancing together and declaring that there is no God like Jehovah.

Bahrain – Historic Info and Prophetic Significance – 19/10/2022

The name Manama, the capital of Bahrain, means “the sleepy place” or “the place of rest.” In the Gilgamesh Epic, one of the oldest writings known to men, Bahrain was mentioned as the land of Dilmun. Dilmun is associated with the Garden of Eden, the last place where people had seen God, so the ancients decided that this was the place where they would bury their dead, because it was the closest place to Paradise, and perhaps the gateway to getting back to Him. So Manama is “the place of rest,” because for thousands of years, the ancients travelled from all around the region to come here and bury their dead. As we go south, you will see there are countless numbers of burial mounds here even to this day. The entire country is actually a big cemetery. These are the beginnings of the foundation of the history of this island.

Bahrain – The Land of the Two Seas

When you think about the prophetic significance of that, you have got this combination of connection with the Garden of Eden, but also the misunderstanding of God’s purposes and people’s own human way of trying to get back to Him. If you look at the name Bahrain in Arabic, it consists of two parts. “Bah’r” means “sea” or “waters,” while putting “ain” in the end of a word means “two.” Therefore, Bahrain actually means “the Land of the Two Seas,” and historically seen, we know this applies to “the sweet water” and “the fresh water.” As a matter of fact, throughout this island, and even in the waters of its coast there are sweet water springs that make life-giving access to water in the midst of a desert place available. So, ships would stop here to get water on the trade routes, and divers would have the ability to access springs that were underneath the waters and get fresh water while they were out at sea. That created a couple of different dynamics. Prophetically, I think it is really profound that this is the place known as “the two seas,” or “the second sea,” because we really believe this is the place where “the second sea,” the living water, is going to be found in abundance.

The dynamic of having these two seas mixing in the waters of Bahrain is the pearls. In the ancient days, before oil was discovered in 1992, pearls were the primary industry in this country. That goes back to the ancient trade routes, from where the ancients got their pearls. Jesus once told a story about a pearl that was so amazing that you would have given up everything to get access to it, and the pearl that was in their mind’s eye, even if they had never actually seen a pearl, would come from the waters of Bahrain. This was the closest ancient pearling way to Jerusalem. The mixing of the fresh water and the salt water at sea enhanced the quality of the Bahrain pearls, as it made them more lustrous.

There is something really special about pearls, and Bahrain is known as the Pearl of the Gulf. The Bahrain economy actually collapsed in around 1932, when they first started developing cultured pearls in Japan. It was shortly thereafter that they found oil. It is interesting for me, as well, why there is so much oil here. However, when you think about oil being called “fossil fuels,” and if the Garden of Eden used to be here a long time ago, that would have created a lot of fossil material that might have decayed and become oil. Think of the level of abundance that is represented all across this region.


The Christian Heritage of Bahrain

We like to call Bahrain “the mustard seed of the Gulf.” It is so small you cannot see it on most maps, but even if you had never heard of it before now, Bahrain is on God’s heart. The last few months it seems like God has been highlighting Bahrain. Four years ago, His Majesty, King Shaikh Hamad, the ruler of Bahrain, gave land to the Catholic Church to build a Catholic church here, and in two weeks the pope will be coming here to open the new church.

As mentioned before, in ancient history, Bahrain was on the trading routes. Almost all the major dynasties throughout the years had their footprints here, which is just the level of diversity and interaction they had with the ancient world. In Jesus’ days they would have known about the pearls from here. In the days after Jesus, the church came to this region. We know from Acts 2:11 that Arabs were among those who came to faith at Pentecost, and for the first 600 years after Christ, there was a thriving Arab church across the Middle East. The evidence of this has recently been acknowledged in 2019.

In the interim years, the church expanded across the Middle East, and came to the Arabian Peninsula. Recently, there was archaeological evidence of a church in ancient Jubail, Saudi Arabia, and in 2019 a team from Exeter was here doing archaeological work and analysis in partnership with the local Ministry of Culture. They identified the archaeological evidence of a church in a town called Samaheej. If you google the historian church in the Arabian Peninsula, you will find several Eastern churches that were across this region, and one of them was in a place called Mishmahig. The “meem” in the front of the word is the place identifier, the difference between Arabic and Hebrew oftentimes is the “s” and the “sh,” whereas the difference between local Arabic and Egyptian Arabic is the “j” and the “g.” So the place called Samaheej today was known as Mishmahig a long time ago, and there is clear documentary evidence that the church existed in Mishmahig. There is a series of villages just north of the airport, which are known as Al Dair, Samaheej and Kalali. Dair means “monastery,” so there is a local village just north of the airport that is called “Monastery.” Sumaheej matches the historic information about the early church that existed in Mishmahig, and Kalali is the name of a room within the monastery, where the monks lived. So, all three of these villages are directly linked to the Christian history of that community. Even within the village known as Al Dair, there is to this day a mosque called Masjid Al Raheb (“the Mosque of the Monk”). There have been stories in the local paper that have highlighted the connection of this particular community to its Christian past, and the extent to which they appreciate that heritage and want to revive it. As a matter of fact, in the village, there are a couple of new businesses that have opened recently under the names, “Sandwich Shop Al Raheb” (“the Monk’s Sandwich Shop”), and Raheb Contracting, so there is an enduring legacy in that community. “Raheb” means “monk” in Arabic, so if this word is commonly used, which is unheard of in many places, it means that Christianity was here before Islam, which give you the Christian heritage of all Arabia and especially Bahrain.

One more thing with the heritage, which is identified as evidence of the church that existed here in Bahrain 400-500 years ago. What do you find around churches in the UK? A cemetery. So where do you think they founded a church? Right in the middle of the cemetery. So again, this is the place of rest.

We are now on the bridge between Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, and this is the Gulf waters of Bahrain. We are going to get halfway across to the visa station and turn around and head back. This is as close as we can without going over. I don’t know if you saw a couple of towers that were half built. We are going to get out right next to those towers, to enjoy the view, and look out over this land. Half of the island here is Saudi, and the other half is Bahrain. That is the border, where customs and immigration happen.

Shared by Daniel Taylor – Scribed by HOPE team


Vision for Bahrain 19/10/2022

By Rania Sayegh

During my visit to Bahrain on 19th of October, I was standing near the shores of the Gulf Sea and looking towards the sea praying with a group with Watchmen for the Nations. During this time, I was taken into a vision as we began to decree and bless the land.

In the vision I saw a huge eagle coming down from heaven, and it went down to land on the island of Bahrain, but to my surprise, the eagle didn’t really land; it came down and held the whole island in its huge, big feet and began to lift it all up. As it was lifted up, I saw in the spirit a door over the land was opened and a scroll unrolled in the door. As I looked to see what the scroll was, the Lord showed me it was the chapter of Isaiah 54. He said, “Speak and decree this chapter over the land of Bahrain, as I’m going to fulfil the promises written to be hers to take hold of.”

That’s how the vision ended. During the gathering I was given the opportunity to share what I saw and declare Isaiah 54 with Orna Grinman as Ruth and Naomi, Jew and Arab, standing together to release the promises of God that the Lord will birth His purposes in Bahrain, and that she will not be barren but fruitful, and her descendants will possess the land.

“They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing;
For the majesty of the Lord
They shall cry aloud from the sea.
Therefore glorify the Lord in the dawning light,
The name of the Lord God of Israel in the coastlands of the sea.”
Isaiah 24:14-15

For His glory,


“One New Man” Worship Night on Mount Carmel

The worship team in the House of Prayer was invited to join the Kehilat HaCarmel worship night for Sukkot, and it was a blessed time of unity, as the Jewish and the Arab family were coming together in worship on Mount Carmel, where the fire of God fell, as Elijah called down the fire over the idols of the land, and the prophets of Baal. This time we came together to decree that the Lord would send His fire again, and the spirit of Elijah over this generation to prepare the way of the Lord. The sweet Spirit of the Lord was tangible, as we came together as “One New Man” of Arabs and Jews from different places in the Galilee, and internationals – to worship the Lord in Hebrew, Arabic and English, and crown Him on top of Mount Carmel. Rania released a declaration from Isaiah 25:6-9 declaring that the Lord will remove the veil of God’s people, Israel, so that they will find their Messiah, Yeshua, and know Him as their Savior, Lord and Messiah. (To watch live recording, click below).


Praise Report: Rania’s Trip to Switzerland during Yom Kippur 2022

Rania was really blessed to be part of the Yom Kippur gathering organized by the Schleife Foundation, a Swiss ministry founded by Lilo and Geri Keller, with Andreas and Stephanie Keller being the directors of the ministry today. The Kellers have been instrumental and catalysts in birthing many other ministries with a very strong prophetic edge in the German-speaking world, greatly impacting Europe and the nations. As they are pioneering and hosting many prophets from all over the world, their place is a real hub for releasing the voice of the Lord over the nations.Though this gathering was the first of its kind, it was already part of the prophetic history of the ministry of Schleife to seek the Lord during Yom Kippur for what was on His heart, and what He wanted to release for the next season. Every year, Mama Lilo Keller would write booklets releasing all the visions the Lord had given her, nuggets of revelation from the heart of the Father for the coming season. Therefore, this conference, which they hosted for the first time, was really a gathering of these nuggets of visions and encounters with the Lord, and dreams and prophetic revelations of what the Lord is speaking for the next season. Rania had the privilege of being invited to speak at three sessions during the Yom Kippur gathering, and to be part of releasing what the Lord had been speaking for this year and this coming season.

She spoke about preparing the way for the glory of God and the anointing of John the Baptist, and later she spoke another message the Lord had given her, called “Shifting Crowns.” It is about the crowns of nations and of the leaders of nations shifting. She also spoke about the rewards of promotion of the faithful remnant being released in this season, and the release of the Isaiah 61 anointing for the nations of the Earth being released from Nazareth (the Luke 4:18 anointing). Rania’s last message was about the fire of God and receiving the seal of the fire of God. The Lord showed up in a powerful way on the last night of the gathering, as we were asking Him to release the mantle of Rees Howells. We were praying and decreeing things over the nations with this mantle asking God to release it to intercessors all over the world right now, as we partner with Him to challenge the dictators of the nations and shift the course of history and prevent World War III. These were the things Rania prayed and released, asking the Lord to ignite our hearts and keep us watchful and praying for the nations of the earth, and especially for Him to watch over Israel.