“One New Man” Worship Night on Mount Carmel

The worship team in the House of Prayer was invited to join the Kehilat HaCarmel worship night for Sukkot, and it was a blessed time of unity, as the Jewish and the Arab family were coming together in worship on Mount Carmel, where the fire of God fell, as Elijah called down the fire over the idols of the land, and the prophets of Baal. This time we came together to decree that the Lord would send His fire again, and the spirit of Elijah over this generation to prepare the way of the Lord. The sweet Spirit of the Lord was tangible, as we came together as “One New Man” of Arabs and Jews from different places in the Galilee, and internationals – to worship the Lord in Hebrew, Arabic and English, and crown Him on top of Mount Carmel. Rania released a declaration from Isaiah 25:6-9 declaring that the Lord will remove the veil of God’s people, Israel, so that they will find their Messiah, Yeshua, and know Him as their Savior, Lord and Messiah. (To watch live recording, click below).


Praise Report: Rania’s Trip to Switzerland during Yom Kippur 2022

Rania was really blessed to be part of the Yom Kippur gathering organized by the Schleife Foundation, a Swiss ministry founded by Lilo and Geri Keller, with Andreas and Stephanie Keller being the directors of the ministry today. The Kellers have been instrumental and catalysts in birthing many other ministries with a very strong prophetic edge in the German-speaking world, greatly impacting Europe and the nations. As they are pioneering and hosting many prophets from all over the world, their place is a real hub for releasing the voice of the Lord over the nations.Though this gathering was the first of its kind, it was already part of the prophetic history of the ministry of Schleife to seek the Lord during Yom Kippur for what was on His heart, and what He wanted to release for the next season. Every year, Mama Lilo Keller would write booklets releasing all the visions the Lord had given her, nuggets of revelation from the heart of the Father for the coming season. Therefore, this conference, which they hosted for the first time, was really a gathering of these nuggets of visions and encounters with the Lord, and dreams and prophetic revelations of what the Lord is speaking for the next season. Rania had the privilege of being invited to speak at three sessions during the Yom Kippur gathering, and to be part of releasing what the Lord had been speaking for this year and this coming season.

She spoke about preparing the way for the glory of God and the anointing of John the Baptist, and later she spoke another message the Lord had given her, called “Shifting Crowns.” It is about the crowns of nations and of the leaders of nations shifting. She also spoke about the rewards of promotion of the faithful remnant being released in this season, and the release of the Isaiah 61 anointing for the nations of the Earth being released from Nazareth (the Luke 4:18 anointing). Rania’s last message was about the fire of God and receiving the seal of the fire of God. The Lord showed up in a powerful way on the last night of the gathering, as we were asking Him to release the mantle of Rees Howells. We were praying and decreeing things over the nations with this mantle asking God to release it to intercessors all over the world right now, as we partner with Him to challenge the dictators of the nations and shift the course of history and prevent World War III. These were the things Rania prayed and released, asking the Lord to ignite our hearts and keep us watchful and praying for the nations of the earth, and especially for Him to watch over Israel.

Swedish Article Featuring Rania (in Swedish)

For the English Translation click here


Tisdag 30 augusti 2022 Världen idag

Redaktör: Karin Nytomt
E-post: karin.nytomt@varldenidag.se

När arabiska Rania Sayegh fylldes av kärlek till Jesus, förändrades också hennes syn på det judiska folket. I dag arbetar hon med att sammanföra Jesustroende araber och judar.


”En man hemifrån” förvandlade Ranias liv

Fick en syn om enhet bland de skandinaviska länderna

Rania Sayegh växte upp i Nasaret i Israel och konstaterar skämt- samt att hennes liv blev förvandlat när hon blev förälskad i en man från sin hemstad. I dag driver hon bönecentret Hope och brinner för en Jesusväckelse i den stad där Jesus en gång växte upp.

Rania Sayegh är en kristen arab som i hela sitt liv bott i den för alla kristna så välbekanta sta- den Nasaret. Vi träffas i försam- lingen Arken i Stockholm, där hon är en av gästtalarna på för- samlingens sommarkonferens. Ranias bror med familj har bott i Sverige i tjugo år och Rania kom- mer gärna hit när hon får tillfälle.

Hon är en kvinna mitt i livet, med svart lockigt hår som spretar åt alla håll och med en härlig ut- strålning.

Rania föddes i ett hem där föräldrarna var ortodoxt kristna, men där tron inte var personlig utan mer en religiös tradition. Rania berättar att hon tidigt hade en längtan efter Jesus Kristus, den man som en gång växte upp i Nasaret, precis som hon.

Som barn gick hon på en kris- ten skola, grundad av baptister, och där fick hon höra mer om Jesus.

Guds kärlek gör att vi kan lita på varandra och det är den enda lösningen på [Mellan- östern]konflikten.

– Jag var så fascinerad av att Jesus hade gått på gatorna i Nasa- ret, fått undervisning i den judis- ka tron och arbetat som snickare

med sin jordiske far, Josef. Under en gudstjänst i skolan gav jag mitt hjärta till Jesus. Då var jag sexton år och sedan dess har Jesus varit min Herre, konstaterar Rania.

Som tonåring och heltänd för Jesus längtade Rania efter att lära sig mer om den kristna tron. Hon bad, läste Bibeln och krist- na böcker och kände en passion att berätta för andra ungdomar om Jesus. ”Mannen från hem- staden” ägde hennes hjärta och hon skaffade sig mer utbildning, där undervisning varvades med praktik.

Atmosfären i Israel är som bekant som en smältdegel, med stora spänningar och konflikter i luften mellan Abrahams olika ättlingar. Rania konstaterar att detta alltid har varit en del av hennes tillvaro. Hennes farfar var rotad i landet redan innan staten Israel kom till 1948, och var också vittne till det krig som snart bröt ut.

Rania påverkades tidigt av sin farfars bild av situationen, men den bilden reviderades när hon kom nära Jesus och mötte hans kärlek.

– När jag sökte Jesus förändra- des mitt hjärta och jag upplevde att han sade till mig: ”Du älskar mig inte, för du älskar inte min familj.” Jag bekände att jag inte förstod och älskade judarna som jag borde, och omvände mig. Då uppfylldes jag av Guds kärlek och misstänksamheten jag tidigare känt bröts.

– Guds kärlek gör att vi kan lita på varandra och det är den enda

lösningen på konflikten, säger Rania övertygat.

Rania upplevde en kallelse att bygga upp en plats i Nasaret där judar och araber som tror på Jesus skulle kunna mötas för un- dervisning och gemensam bön.

Men hur skulle Guds rike kun- na bli synligt i Nasaret? I evange- lierna berättas att inte ens Guds Son själv kunde göra så många under i sin hemstad, på grund av invånarnas brist på tro.

– Jag bad mycket om att Jesus skulle få en större öppning nu för sina mirakler i sin hemstad. När jag frågade Herren hur det skulle gå till fick jag svaret att jag skulle söka efter dem som har en levan-

e relation med Gud.
År 2004 grundade så Rania

böne- och undervisningscentret Hope (House of Prayer and Ex- ploits) i Nasaret.

– Vår vision är att mobilisera till bön och lovsång bland arabis- ka kristna i enhet med messian- ska judar, säger hon.

Här samlas så mycket folk var- je vecka till bön för staden och landet att Rania med team nu söker efter större lokaler. Även många andra aktiviteter pågår, bland annat speciella satsning- ar för kvinnor och unga vuxna. Rania har också tagit initiativ till att samla kristna araber och mes- sianska judar till en gemensam bönedag varje år.

(Fr v) Rania Sayegh och Claus Möller, resande förkunnare från Danmark, var båda inbjudna av Linda Bergling att tala vid försam- lingen Arkens Mirakelkonferens. (T h: Oskar Tjäder, medarbetare.) FOTO: BÖRJE NORLÉN

– I våra konferenser för för- tryckta arabiska kvinnor har vi sett den helige Ande verka till helande och befrielse. Kvinnor- na har rests upp till ”mödrar i Israel”, som domaren Debora i Bibeln.

– Vi vill se Abrahams ättlingar från både Sara och Hagar, judar och araber, försonas. Det är också viktigt för den unga generatio- nen, därför satsar vi också myck- et på unga vuxna, säger Rania.

Sverige har blivit lite som ett andra hem för Rania. Vid flera tillfällen har hon fått profetiska hälsningar och visioner som be- rör just Sverige. För åtta år sedan såg hon i en syn en jaktpil. På pi-

lens tre delar stod namnen på de skandinaviska länderna: pilspet- sen var Norge, skaftet Sverige och styrfjädrarna Finland.

– Jag upplevde att dessa tre länder har en särskild smörjelse från Gud. Alla pilens tre delar är lika viktiga men behöver sam- trimmas för att fungera på bästa sätt. Spetsen får inte vara krokig eller trubbig, skaftet måste vara starkt och välbalanserat för att pilen ska vara stabil, och styrfjäd- rarna gör den träffsäker.

Rania tolkar synen som att det är viktigt att de tre nordiska länderna står tillsammans, inte minst nu, efter det som händer i Ukraina. Hon förklarar att Sveri- ges kallelse är att stå starkt, inte

i egen kraft utan i Guds kraft. En förutsättning för detta är att kristna i Sverige förenas.

– Sverige har länge präglats av en attityd av att framstå som en stark och oberoende nation. At- tityden av oberoende finns också bland kyrkorna i Sverige, och jag upplever en akut kallelse från Gud att mana till enhet i Kristi kropp. Den splittring som finns behöver helas, annars kan kon- sekvenserna bli svåra för landet. Det är allvar nu, förklarar hon.

Rania konstaterar med efter- tryck att enhet är grunden för väckelse. Därför behöver Guds folk förenas i ödmjukhet och be- känna sitt beroende av Gud.

Även denna gång när Rania kom till Sverige fick hon en vision, som hon upplever gäller vårt land.

– Jag såg i min syn en vacker, vitklädd brud som kom upp ur vattnet, och jag upplevde att det var en bild av Sverige. När hon kom upp ur vågorna blandades dessa med eld och bruden strå- lade av ett klart ljus. Hon var re- nad i Guds ords vatten och Guds kärlekseld. Jag såg hur bruden kläddes med en strålande vit klädnad, en krona av guld sattes på hennes huvud och hon fick en spira av silver i sin hand.

Synen avslutades med att Guds insegel av eld sattes på brudens arm. Där stod skrivet:

”Min krigare, min brud.” Rania tolkar synen som att en kallelse till omvändelse går ut till Kristi kropp i Sverige att ödmjuka sig och komma samman i enhet.

– Jesus kallar på sin brud och när hon lyder kallelsen kommer Guds heliga närvaro, säger hon.

– Nu är ett gudomligt tillfälle, ett fönster som öppnats över Sve- rige. Kristi kropp behöver ta vara på det tillfället och låta sig fyllas av hans rena kärlek. Då kommer Gud att välsigna landet.

Börje Norlén

redaktionen @varldenidag.se

Swedish Newspaper Features Rania


“The hometown boy” transformed Rania’s life

Rania Sayegh grew up in Nazareth, Israel, and smiling she notes that her life was changed when she fell in love with the “hometown boy”. In 2004 she founded the prayer and training center HOPE in Nazareth. She is passionate about a Jesus revival in the city where Jesus once grew up.

Rania Sayegh is a Christian Arab who has lived in the city of Nazareth, which is familiar to every Christian, all her life. We meet her in Arken Church, where she preached at the Their summer conference. Rania’s brother and family have lived in Sweden for around 20 years and Rania likes to come here, when she gets the chance. She is a woman in mid-life, with black curly hair that spreads in all directions and a lovely charisma.

Rania was born in a home where the parents were Orthodox Christians, but their faith was more of religious tradition than a personal relationship with God. Rania tells us that she early in life had a longing for Jesus Christ, who once grew up in Nazareth, just like her. The school where Rania went was a Christian school, founded by Baptists. There she heard more about Jesus.

– I was so fascinated by the fact that Jesus had walked the streets of Nazareth, received instruction in the Jewish faith and worked as a carpenter together with his earthly father Joseph. In a church service at the school I attended, I gave my heart to Jesus. Then I was sixteen years old and since then Jesus has been my Lord, Rania says.

As a teenager and very devoted to Jesus, Rania longed to learn more about the Christian faith. She prayed, read the Bible and Christian books, and felt a passion to tell other young people about Jesus. “The guy from home” had really won her heart and she acquired more education, alternating teaching with practice.

The atmosphere in Israel is, as you know, like a melting pot, where there is great tension in the air between the various descendants of Abraham, who try to live together. Rania notes that this tension has always been a part of her life. Her grandfather and father had witnessed the war in Israel in 1948, and she got his story of the situation from an early age. That story was revised when Rania came close to Jesus and encountered his love.

– When I sought Jesus, my heart changed and I felt His voice speaking to me, saying: ‘You don’t love me, because you don’t love my family’. I confessed that I did not understand and love the Jews as I should and repented. Then I was filled with God’s love and the suspicion I had felt before was broken. God’s love makes us to trust each other and that is the only solution to the conflict, Rania comments with great conviction.

Rania felt a calling to build a place in Nazareth, where Jews and Arabs who believe in Jesus could meet for teaching and common prayer. But how would that come to pass in Nazareth? The Gospels tell us that even the Son of God, Jesus Christ, could not do so many miracles in his hometown, due to the lack of faith of the inhabitants.

– I prayed a lot for a greater reception for His miracles in His hometown now. When I asked the Lord how it could be done, I was told that I would look for those who have a living relationship with God. And in 2004 I founded the prayer and teaching center HOPE (House of Prayer & Exploit) in Nazareth. Our vision is to mobilize for prayer and praise among Arab Christian in unity with Messianic Jews.

So many people gather here every week to pray for the city and the country that Rania and her team are now looking for bigger premises. Even many other activities are ongoing, including special initiatives for women and young adults. Rania has also taken the initiative to gather Christian Arabs and Messianic Jews for a common day of prayer every year.

– In our conferences for oppressed Arab women, we have seen the Holy Spirit work for healing and liberation. The women have been raised up to be “mothers in Israel”, like Deborah in the Bible (who was a judge in Israel long ago). We want to see Abraham’s descendants emanating from both Sarah and Hagar – Jews and Arabs – reconciled. That is also important for the young generation, that is the reason why we arrange many activities for young adults, as well.

Sweden has become like a second home for Rania, and she is happy to return here when it is possible. On several occasions she has received prophetic words and visions concerning our country. Eight years ago, she saw in a vision an arrow of the type used in battle or hunting. On the three parts of the arrow were the names of the Scandinavian countries written, the arrowhead was Norway, the shaft Sweden and the feathers or control springs at the back were Finland.

– I felt that these three countries have a special anointing from God. The three parts of the arrow are all equally important and need to be coordinated to function in the best way. The tip must not be crooked or blunt, the shaft must be strong and well balanced for the arrow to be stable, and the fins or feathers makes it effective to reach its goal.

As Rania understands the vision, she finds it important that the three Nordic countries stand together, not even more true, after what happened in Ukraine. She explains that Sweden’s

calling is to stand strong, not in its own strength but in the strength of the Lord. A prerequisite for this is that Christians in Sweden are united.

– Sweden has for long been characterized by an attitude of being a strong and independent nation. This attitude of independence is also found among the churches in Sweden, and I feel an urgent call from God to bring unity into the body of Christ. The division that exists needs to be healed, otherwise the consequences could be difficult for the country. It’s a very serious situation now, she adds.

Rania states with emphasis that unity is the foundation of revival & nation transformation. Therefore, God’s people need to unite in humility and confess their dependence on God. When Rania came to Sweden this time, she saw a new vision, which she feels can be applied to the situation in our country.

– I saw a beautiful bride dressed in white, who came out of the water, where the waves were mixed with fire. On her head she had a crown of gold and in her right hand a scepter of silver. She had purified herself in the Word, the purifying fire of God’s love. A voice said: ‘my warrior – my bride’. I felt that the Lord is preparing his people in Sweden for a spiritual battle, and that he is allowing shakings to awaken and prepare his bride.

The waves mixed with fire Rania sees as how Christ purifies his bride in the purifying fire of His Word and His love. It is a call to repentance, because the body of Christ in Sweden needs to humble itself and come together in unity.

– Jesus calls his bride and when she obeys the call his holy presence returns. Now is a divine opportunity, a window that has been opened over Sweden. The body of Christ now needs to take advantage of that opportunity and allow itself to be filled with his pure love. Then God will bless the country, concludes Rania Sayegh, ambassador of the Kingdom of God in Nazareth.

Börje Norlén, words and photo

Ministry Visit to Sweden and Norway


On the 19th of July, Rania was invited to speak at the City Church in downtown Stockholm. About 25 pastors and leaders came to this meeting in which she released a prophetic word for Sweden. She reminded them of the prophetic word that she had released in 2014 about the arrow for the Nordic Nations. She reminded them of the identity of Sweden which was the shaft of that arrow with the head being Norway and the fletching Finland. Rania also released a fresh word, a call to repentance. Sweden needs to shift and embrace the coal of repentance from the Isaiah 6 encounter, and the call for repentance. After she shared these words, there was a strong move of the Spirit and two leaders who had been planning to call for repentance and returning to seek the heart of the Lord together received Rania’s word as confirmation. Rania presented two coals from Wales as a token to embrace the call to repentance. As she presented the coals, a wave of travail hit the place and all 25 leaders, many of whom were seasoned intercessors, began to push through and intercede in the Spirit. There was a true birthing taking place. The Holy Spirit moved and the Lord roared over the meeting.

From the 20th July, Rania was one of the speakers at a conference in Arken Church with Pastor Linda Berling. The Lord moved in might was as she shared in three sessions. She spoke two messages, in one of which the Holy Spirit did not release her to speak but instead she encouraged everyone to continue in worship and enter into the realm of glory. As they worshipped and pressed into God’s heart as His bride, the Holy Spirit came in power and began to touch people with healing and tears, without anyone touching them. We felt that the Lord was so pleased with us as we honoured His presence and surrendered to His will, He could rest among us. Rania released a prophetic word for Sweden based on a vision that she saw during this time: the Bride of Sweden arising, the seal of fire, and preparing for glory with the landing strip of glory on the earth. The Lord laid these subjects on Rania’s heart. The third message was not released yet but was about awakening the Bride with His kisses. The Lord moved and healings and miracles took place during these meetings and the ministry time that followed. Several creative miracles took place. We are so grateful to the Holy Spirit and the Arken Church being so open to the moving of the Holy Spirit.

Afterwards, Rania met her family in Norway including her sister from Canada that she had not seen for three and a half years. It was a precious time of family re-union with her brother and parents too.

Rania was invited to speak at a church in Bergen in Norway where she reminded them of her prophetic word for Norway. They looked at the prophetic timeline and where they now are and released a strategy for prayer and gathering leaders from around Norway for the roar of the lion to begin to be released from Bergen. Also for unity among the Nordic leaders as the Lord wants to quicken Norway and or them to be watching and united in the Spirit with the other leaders. There was a beautiful time of sharing and also preparing for the glory which is going to be released on the earth.


Vision for Switzerland 22/9/2022

By Rania Sayegh

While worshiping the Lord and seeking him for Switzerland, I saw in a vision a radiant bride coming out of the waters of Switzerland. It looked to me that she was coming out of the waters, washed and purified. As she came out of the waters, she was leaning on her beloved Jesus. Then a dance began to take place on the waters with Jesus. Jesus, her bridegroom and King, was dancing with her gently, and she looked astonished to be able to dance with Him on the waters, as she was carried by Him.

As the dance continued, she was handed a golder scepter, which she began to stretch out over the land. Wherever she extended the scepter, clouds of golden glory began to appear in different regions in Switzerland. But it didn’t stop there; the golden glory clouds began moving on from Switzerland to other neighboring countries like Austria and Germany, as well!

Glory to Jesus! May He come to Switzerland and visit her again, as she arises to dance with Him again!

For His glory,


Youth Training Day on Isaiah 19 11th June 2022

“In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and Assyria will come into Egypt, and Egypt into Assyria, and the Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians.

In that day Israel will be the third with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, whom the LORD of hosts has blessed, saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel my inheritance.”

Isaiah 19:23-24
35 people came to this teaching day on the Isaiah 19 Highway. Tom Craig began with an overview about how God established His covenant with Abraham, which continued through the descendants of David until Jesus. He emphasised the power of covenant and the God who keeps covenant.

Isaiah 19 is about the reunion of the sons of Abraham from Sarah, Hagar and Keturah. We took the time to explore the whole chapter. Tom  explained the judgments that will take place in Egypt on the gods of Egypt. God will shake Egypt in order to make Himself known as the  only Most High God. God will release his Spirit over Egypt and there will be an altar and a pillar inside Egypt for God’s glory.

We had a wonderful lunch and fellowship. There was a powerful time of worship taking us deeper into the presence of the Lord. We started at 9:30 and finished at 4:45 with a time of prayer and declaring the five decrees that start with “On that day…” in Isaiah 19. Some of the young people took turns to join in these prayers and declarations. There was a lot of openness in the hearts of the young people and they were hungry to learn more about this important and timely subject.

A vision of the octopus strategy over the Middle East, Russia and Ukraine 8th June 2022

During a time of worship and prayer at our HOPE youth meeting, I (Rania) was taken into a vision. I saw the Lord Jesus as a lion and He began to roar from Zion – Jerusalem. When He roared, I saw heaven open and seven huge angels were released from heaven. Each angel held a big fiery sword in his hand. They were sent as warring angels to make war with a creature that was currently over the region of the Middle East.

As I was looking to see where they were sent, I saw a huge octopus with its tentacles spreading out towards seven nations. The nations were: Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Turkey. Then I saw the angels bringing their swords together in unison. This created a huge united sword that was set on fire. As they headed towards the target, I heard in my spirit that the target was the head of the octopus. In order to eliminate the tentacles, the head must first be the target to destroy the octopus’ activity.

When the angels hit the head of the octopus, its tentacles began to shrink back and die. As these tentacles were shrinking and dying, a shaking was taking place in the nations that the tentacles had been spread out towards, and thus it shook the foundations of the evil systems within them. The Kingdom of Light and the power of the Holy Spirit began to invade and a clash of kingdoms –  of light with darkness – began to take place. This was how the vision ended.


After receiving this vision I pondered on it for more than a week. During the following week, a friend came to visit me and I sensed that I should share the vision with him. After  I finishing speaking, he pointed out that he had just watched a video that shared news for watchmen about Israel and the Middle East called “Watchmen Newscast.” That broadcast was released the day before I received the vision on the 8th of June. The description of that broadcast is: “The alleged strikes target a factory for developing Iranian weapons and trigger the ominous echo of the prophet Isaiah. Plus, Iran places its crosshairs on Tel Aviv and Haifa and issues a dire warning. And what is Israel’s “Octopus Strategy?” Watch now on the Watchman Newscast!”

The broadcast was speaking about the Octopus strategy that Israel is following to dismantle the octopus by hitting and targeting the head of the octopus instead of its tentacles. Those were the exact words that the Holy Spirit dropped in my spirit as I saw this vision, that there is an exposure coming to this octopus operating in the region, and that the Lord is going to send His warring angels to bring a historic hit to the head of the octopus to destroy its tentacles. I sensed after pondering on the vision that the head of the octopus is Russia. One of the dangerous tentacles that are operating with Russia’s support is Iran, in which the Lord of Hosts is about to rend the heaven and come down to set Iran free of this tyrant leaders.

Please unite with us in prayer for this strategic time of war as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah roars over the octopus to dismantle its deceptive schemes!

Joel 3:16
The Lord will roar from Zion  and thunder from Jerusalem; the earth and the heavens will tremble. But the Lord will be a refuge for his people,
a stronghold for the people of Israel.