Global Prayer Call for Israel and the Nations

Rania was invited to join an international prayer meeting hosted by the Global Prayer Call, interceding for Jerusalem, Israel and the Middle East.

As the battle for Jerusalem is becoming more and more intense, the Temple Mount is taking central position: who will be finally and eternally worshiped on this Holy Hill? The birth pangs for the Kingdom of God are intensifying and the preparations for the return of the Lord are progressing, the royal priesthood from many nations are being called to attention. We are being united, cleansed, equipped and commissioned for our call not to be silent for Jerusalem’s sake. And at the same time, we are each being trained to intercede for our respective nations sake and their attitudes towards Jerusalem.

Song of Songs Teaching by Orna Grinman – 11th June 2021

41 Arab Women leaders from across the land gathered at the Golden Crown Hotel on Mount Precipice, Nazareth for the first day of training after the pandemic. They were joined by several precious Jewish Messianic sisters.

Orna Grinman spoke in the second and final sessions about the journey of the Shunamite in Song of Songs. She shared that communication is the most important part of a marriage. The bride and groom start their life together by saying “I do” – so also, we start our journey with Yeshua by saying that we want to be part of His bride. In the first verses of Song of Songs, the bride is talking about the bridegroom and saying that she wants to know HIm more intimately but she is not talking to Him. Then in verse 3, she addresses him directly. Something can be on our hearts but there is still a long journey to get there. The bride wants intimacy (1:4). There may be many others entering the rooms with her, she can’t make this journey alone.

1:5 As soon as the Shunamite declares her intention of moving deeper into intimacy with the bridegroom, she sees herself as both dark and lovely. The sun, the world, has darkened her. This is what happens whenever we ask God to go deeper into Him, we see both the dark and the beautiful. God shows us the darkness that is still in us but he doesn’t leave us, he purifies us. In His light, we see things that we didn’t see before. Still in all our congregations here in the land, we make this mistake in that after salvation we are ashamed to say that we still have areas of darkness. We need to be real with one another. When we are together as the bride, we often still have legalism and shame rather than openness, humility and healing.

1:6 The vineyard is a symbol of the heart. The Shunamite has had a hard life, she worked hard in the heat of the sun. She blames others and thinks that they have made her this way, this is a sign of the victim spirit. It is true that her brothers had authority over her to send her to work in the vineyards, but she had full authority over her own heart – how she responded and what she chose to dwell on. It’s hard for us to see our own part in the brokenness. We blame others – maybe a teacher, a co-worker or a husband. When we look at the global Bride of Messiah, we see many, many broken hearts. What do I do when my heart is hurting? When someone mistreats me? Do I blame others or do I take care of my own vineyard/heart? Invite Yeshua into this place. When I am angry and resentful, Yeshua is not on His holy throne in my heart – I am sitting there in His place. The bride asks to go deeper into His presence. Whenever we ask to go nearer, God shows us what is in our own hearts that needs confession, repentance and forgiveness. Every hurt and pain in my heart needs healing (Psalm 66:18).

1:7 The bride asks to know where to find the bridegroom during the heat of the day, the hardest part of the day. She is kind of resentful, why can’t she just be herself? Why isn’t it enough for me to ask you to draw me after you? Why doesn’t He answer my prayers? At times like this, I don’t want to pray, but I also don’t want my heart to become harder and darker. Can I invite Yeshua into this place and sit with Him as He works on my heart? If you are really hungry for more of Him, don’t be angry, don’t hide who you are, don’t be shy or ashamed.

1:8 The answer comes for the Shunamite to follow the tracks of the sheep, to join with all the others who are part of the Bride of Messiah. This isn’t a journey that can be taken alone. Where there are shepherds (pastors), they should know the condition of the hearts of the sheep.

Song of Songs 2:4&6 “Let him lead me to the banquet hall and let his banner over me be love…His left arm is under my head and his right arm embraces me.” Often we feel that God is far away but He is right there so close with one arm holding us and the other embracing us.

2:8 When I go deeper into Him, suddenly everything gets harder. The mountains are easy for Yeshua; He leaps over the mountains of health, finances, relationships, ministry…

2:9 Our personalities put up walls but God looks for even a small opening, a window. Our defence barriers stop even those that we would like to invite to come closer. But God already knows everything about us. The bride needs to come to a place of readiness to invite Him in.

2:10 The bridegroom tells her what she needs to do. Don’t be passive! Get up! Get away from everything that holds you back. You are free. Yeshua has already paid the price. He gave you everything you need.

2:13 When we get up out of our prisons, we will start to bear fruit. When He sets us free, we start to blossom.

2:14 God speaks to each one of us, He tells us what He wants. He wants to hear your voice.

2:15 The vineyard of the bride’s heart is bearing its first blossom and fruit but already the foxes want to steal and destroy. The bride needs to let go of her victim mentality and see that she can take responsibility for her own life and the decisions that she makes. How should she respond when others mistreat her? Before she was passive and didn’t act. Now the bridegroom is waiting for her to take action and invite Him into these areas. He can train her to catch the foxes.

Chapter 3

3:1-2 The bride thinks that everything is fine with her heart. She sees herself as the one doing all the hard work in the relationship. It seems that the bridegroom is not doing anything. But she has already forgotten what he told her in Chapter 1:8 and 2:15. He told her to follow the tracks of the sheep. He told her to catch the foxes. She instead goes to search for Him in the city. He has been speaking to her about the dark, difficult things in her life. His answers were not what she wanted to hear. She didn’t get the answer that she was looking for, but He said “Go!” (the Hebrew is Lech but it is mostly translated in English as come!) Before I can get a specific word about my life, I need to let Him clean my heart from the darkness.

3:3 The watchmen found her. They are there for the town’s security and represent things in our life that give us false security and false refuge. Something or someone that I turn to instead of (or before) turning to God. We need to pay attention to what is heavy on our hearts, what is bothering us, and invite Yeshua into those places.

Chapter 3:6-4:15 is the song of the Bride. The journey of an individual relationship becomes a group/corporate relationship with the Beloved.

Chapter 5

The sound of the Lord is someone (Genesis 3:8)

5:3 This verse shows the contradiction in the heart of the Bride. She went to look for the Bridegroom by night and yet when He comes to her she doesn’t want to open up for Him. This happens with us too, all the thoughts that come to us when we are invited into His presence – housework, accounts, work tasks, ministry. But God is faithful and will come through even a small opening in our defences. When the bride finally opens, the Bridegroom isn’t there. God doesn’t answer as we expected or in the timing we wanted. Maybe you asked God for something and He answered with something deep. Invite Him into those problems. He is calling you deeper into Him. God heals us but often, a month later we are back in the same place of brokenness. This time when she turns to her false refuge, it is harmful for her. God had taken her out of that place but she turned back and it was more difficult this time.

5:16 echoes the opening verses of Song of Songs: “His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely.”

Chapter 6:1
Until now, the bride has been on a journey alone. But now she is connected with others on the same journey. Go and search for Him together.

6:4-9 These verses describe how God sees His bride.

6:13 (7:1 in Hebrew) The Shunamite is distracted again by those around her.

Chapter 7
The journey of the Bride now includes the hearts of others. 7:11-12 She invites the Bridegroom to come with her to work in the hearts of those around her. We can become busy serving and doing, but then our hearts might dry up.

Chapter 8
8:1-4 Healing comes in going back to the Bridegroom and spending time in His presence.

8:8-9 In the beginning, the brothers didn’t care for the bride – they didn’t even see her! Now she has glory, strength and weight (kavod in Hebrew). Whenever we give God the dark places in our hearts, He puts His light in us so that others can see.

8:12 The bride now cares for her vineyard. She has taken ownership of it and responsibility for caring for her heart.

Arab Deborahs Gathering Praise Report Nazareth June 2021

41 Arab Women leaders from across the land gathered at the Golden Crown Hotel on Mount Precipice, Nazareth for the first day of training after the pandemic. They were joined by several precious Messianic Jewish sisters.


Rania Sayegh welcomed the women and introduced the theme for the training:

“Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for love is as strong as death, jealousy as cruel as the grave; its flames are flames of fire, a most vehement flame.”
Song of Songs 8:6

She led everyone in a prophetic act of exchanging the red roses that they had received at the beginning.

Jesra Adrenally led the opening time of worship with songs of adoration and longing for the bridegroom, Jesus, to return. Rose Obied then spoke about the love of the Father from the parable of the prodigal son. She challenged us not to be motivated by duty, as the older son had been, but to receive the Father’s love. When we are filled with the Father’s love, we will not see the faults in others but rather find ways to encourage and build one another up. It was only the love of the Father that brought the prodigal home.


Rania Sayegh continued this session on the need for the bride to be filled with the Holy Spirit, “that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish” Ephesians 5:27. The troubles in this world will increase but each birth-pang or trouble only makes us stronger. God wants to anoint His bride with wine and oil. She shared her recent vision of the bride in the field of wheat. The Jewish sisters shared the differences between Jewish and Arabic wedding customs, especially as an orthodox Jewish bride will enter the wedding ceremony without her face covered so as not to repeat Laban’s deception (Genesis 29:21-30)! Wine and oil are mentioned in connection to the harvest and the threshing floor in Psalm 140:15 and Joel 2:24. This threshing floor separates the bride from the thoughts of this world. She separates herself from Babel. If we don’t go to the threshing floor, we can’t enter into His glory. Also, in 2 Samuel 24:16, the plague stopped at the threshing floor. This later became the site of the Temple. Each of the women there received the challenge to turn every line of Song of Songs into a prayer.


Ikhlas Sadran led the worship for the second session with songs of love for our bridegroom Jesus.


Chaya Mizrachi and her daughter Oiel blessed the women and prayed for Orna Grinman before she began to speak. Orna then shared about the journey of the Shunamite in Song of Songs. Communication is the most important part of a marriage. The bride and groom start their life together by saying “I do” – so also, we start our journey with Yeshua by saying that we want to be part of His bride. Intimacy can be on our hearts but there is still a long journey to get there! Song of Songs traces the journey of the Shunamite from her initial desire, through hills and valleys to the fulfilment of their covenant of love. Throughout the journey, the bride becomes more aware of herself – her identity, calling and responsibility – and the condition of her heart and that of those around her. Orna encouraged each leader to consider their place in the Body of Messiah. We are each a part but what part are we? A finger, a part of the circulation system, an ear?

After the final session, one of the Arab women, Lena, shared a recent dream in which she had been walking with her children through an area like a swamp. As she walked, she began to sink into the swamp and felt that the water would swallow her up. She cried out to the Lord for help and all of a sudden a woman appeared with dark curly hair, wearing a dark orange shirt. The woman made a hole in the mountain which became a tunnel. Lena walked through this tunnel to safety. When she arrived at the hotel on the morning of the gathering, she saw Rania wearing this same colored top and she felt that this meeting would be part of the path of freedom for her.

The gathering ended with Celeste Dabbagh sharing a beautiful painting of an oil lamp that she had painted during the lockdowns.

Deborah’s Clan Prayer Gathering for Peace 19th, May 2021


22 sisters and a few brothers gathered to pray for the current situation in the land.

Rania opened in prayer with thanksgiving to God for this heart of unity. She asked that the prayers would be like fiery arrows of love that will quench war and hatred. Missiles of God’s love and glory are being released all over the land and into Gaza and the West Bank. We want to experience a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit over our land. The meeting was one of renewed love and covenant commitment to one another as the Jewish and Arab mothers gathered like Ruth and Naomi.

One of the many special moments was when a Jewish mother sang Boaz’s words to Ruth over the Arab women, “May the LORD repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.” Ruth 2:12

An Arab mother responded with Ruth’s words to Naomi, “Where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God.” Ruth 1:16

Prophetic Journey to Mount Gilboa

Rania went with several Jewish sisters to Mount Gilboa, continuing the prophetic journeys to the seven mountains of Israel started in response to a vision in December 2018.

Bat Tzion Regional Gathering in the North

Rania was invited to share at the Bat Tzion Women’s Conference in Tzipori on Friday 30th April. The meeting was held outside in a marquee, following Israel’s current guidelines. The theme of the gathering was Psalm 90:17 – Beauty and Favor.

Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!

Rania taught on Keys to Step into the Favor. She shared how God is inviting us to come on a journey into carrying His glory. This past season has been a rest, a test and a time to enter into God’s rest. It is an invitation to transformation. In Ezekiel 4:44, the glory enters the Temple from the north gate. We are on a journey of restoration and healing as God prepares us to carry greater measures of His glory.

Living within you is the Christ who floods you with the expectation of glory! This mystery of Christ, embedded within us, becomes a heavenly treasure chest of hope filled with the riches of glory for his people, and God wants everyone to know it!
Colossians 1:27 (The Passion Translation)

We are being transformed into carrying bridal authority and coming into alignment with God first and then with one another.

As she prepared for this meeting, Rania heard God tell her that He wanted to deliver His women from the crippling spirit. When Jesus healed the woman who was bowed over (Luke 13:10-17), He called her a daughter of Abraham, speaking to her true identity. God also wants to restore the true identity of the daughters of Zion (Bat Tzion) and the body of Messiah in Israel.

After speaking Rania prayed for many of the women and at least six creative miracles happened bringing glory to God.

Vision of the Bride in the wheat field – By Rania Sayegh

On the 3rd of May, I saw a bride standing in the middle of a field of wheat. She was wearing a bridal white gown and walking in the field. She was charmed by the field and looking around with joy at the harvest. She had a veil over her face and was looking at this vast field of wheat. The bride looked towards the furthest horizon and began to lift her veil. As she lifted her veil, the wind started to blow over the fields. At first, this wind blew gently but then it formed a whirlwind over the field. I noticed that the whirlwind got stronger and stronger then began to move and carry the wheat almost as though it was harvesting the wheat. The whirlwind was carrying this wheat into the threshing floor. The whirlwind was not only formed of wind but also angelic beings – the Holy Spirit and angels working together!

Prophetic Journey to Mount Precipice

In response to the Angel of Awakening Vision, Rania traveled with a dear sister, Margaret Abu Ghazalah to Mount Precipice during Passover Week. Rania blew a trumpet from the mountain and declared the release of the angelic hosts and awakening over the land of Israel. They used the staff to ask the Lord to part the sea for freedom for all the peoples of Israel, both Jewish and Arab. Especially for the restoration of freedoms that are being lost in the governmental response to COVID 19.

Pray for Peace in the Holy Land

Dear friends and family, please stand with us in prayer for the land of Israel and Gaza. We are in war inside and outside!
In the past few days hundreds of rockets were shot into Israel and lots of riots and violence in different cities and villages in the land.

Please stand with us in prayer for the peace of Jerusalem and pray for protection for the innocent in Gaza.
Pray for violence and hatred to be quenched by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Pray that the Lord will send His waring angel to fight on behalf of the land and bind the strongman.
Pray for Wisdom for our government leaders as they make decisions!