Praise Report: Rania’s Trip to Switzerland during Yom Kippur 2022

Rania was really blessed to be part of the Yom Kippur gathering organized by the Schleife Foundation, a Swiss ministry founded by Lilo and Geri Keller, with Andreas and Stephanie Keller being the directors of the ministry today. The Kellers have been instrumental and catalysts in birthing many other ministries with a very strong prophetic edge in the German-speaking world, greatly impacting Europe and the nations. As they are pioneering and hosting many prophets from all over the world, their place is a real hub for releasing the voice of the Lord over the nations.Though this gathering was the first of its kind, it was already part of the prophetic history of the ministry of Schleife to seek the Lord during Yom Kippur for what was on His heart, and what He wanted to release for the next season. Every year, Mama Lilo Keller would write booklets releasing all the visions the Lord had given her, nuggets of revelation from the heart of the Father for the coming season. Therefore, this conference, which they hosted for the first time, was really a gathering of these nuggets of visions and encounters with the Lord, and dreams and prophetic revelations of what the Lord is speaking for the next season. Rania had the privilege of being invited to speak at three sessions during the Yom Kippur gathering, and to be part of releasing what the Lord had been speaking for this year and this coming season.

She spoke about preparing the way for the glory of God and the anointing of John the Baptist, and later she spoke another message the Lord had given her, called “Shifting Crowns.” It is about the crowns of nations and of the leaders of nations shifting. She also spoke about the rewards of promotion of the faithful remnant being released in this season, and the release of the Isaiah 61 anointing for the nations of the Earth being released from Nazareth (the Luke 4:18 anointing). Rania’s last message was about the fire of God and receiving the seal of the fire of God. The Lord showed up in a powerful way on the last night of the gathering, as we were asking Him to release the mantle of Rees Howells. We were praying and decreeing things over the nations with this mantle asking God to release it to intercessors all over the world right now, as we partner with Him to challenge the dictators of the nations and shift the course of history and prevent World War III. These were the things Rania prayed and released, asking the Lord to ignite our hearts and keep us watchful and praying for the nations of the earth, and especially for Him to watch over Israel.

Ministry Visit to Sweden and Norway


On the 19th of July, Rania was invited to speak at the City Church in downtown Stockholm. About 25 pastors and leaders came to this meeting in which she released a prophetic word for Sweden. She reminded them of the prophetic word that she had released in 2014 about the arrow for the Nordic Nations. She reminded them of the identity of Sweden which was the shaft of that arrow with the head being Norway and the fletching Finland. Rania also released a fresh word, a call to repentance. Sweden needs to shift and embrace the coal of repentance from the Isaiah 6 encounter, and the call for repentance. After she shared these words, there was a strong move of the Spirit and two leaders who had been planning to call for repentance and returning to seek the heart of the Lord together received Rania’s word as confirmation. Rania presented two coals from Wales as a token to embrace the call to repentance. As she presented the coals, a wave of travail hit the place and all 25 leaders, many of whom were seasoned intercessors, began to push through and intercede in the Spirit. There was a true birthing taking place. The Holy Spirit moved and the Lord roared over the meeting.

From the 20th July, Rania was one of the speakers at a conference in Arken Church with Pastor Linda Berling. The Lord moved in might was as she shared in three sessions. She spoke two messages, in one of which the Holy Spirit did not release her to speak but instead she encouraged everyone to continue in worship and enter into the realm of glory. As they worshipped and pressed into God’s heart as His bride, the Holy Spirit came in power and began to touch people with healing and tears, without anyone touching them. We felt that the Lord was so pleased with us as we honoured His presence and surrendered to His will, He could rest among us. Rania released a prophetic word for Sweden based on a vision that she saw during this time: the Bride of Sweden arising, the seal of fire, and preparing for glory with the landing strip of glory on the earth. The Lord laid these subjects on Rania’s heart. The third message was not released yet but was about awakening the Bride with His kisses. The Lord moved and healings and miracles took place during these meetings and the ministry time that followed. Several creative miracles took place. We are so grateful to the Holy Spirit and the Arken Church being so open to the moving of the Holy Spirit.

Afterwards, Rania met her family in Norway including her sister from Canada that she had not seen for three and a half years. It was a precious time of family re-union with her brother and parents too.

Rania was invited to speak at a church in Bergen in Norway where she reminded them of her prophetic word for Norway. They looked at the prophetic timeline and where they now are and released a strategy for prayer and gathering leaders from around Norway for the roar of the lion to begin to be released from Bergen. Also for unity among the Nordic leaders as the Lord wants to quicken Norway and or them to be watching and united in the Spirit with the other leaders. There was a beautiful time of sharing and also preparing for the glory which is going to be released on the earth.


Prophetic Journey to Bethlehem 31st May 2022

“So may all your enemies perish, O LORD! But your friends be like the sun as he rises in his might.” And the land had rest for forty years.

Song of Deborah, Judges 5:31

A small group of Arab and Jewish women went together to pray and stand together in the area of Bethlehem. Shavuot is the time of the barley harvest which is the time in which the book of Ruth unfolds.

Nine women gathered for lunch, prayer and the breaking of bread. Together they declared that the voice of the better blood of Jesus speak louder. They prayed for peace and love among both peoples.

This netting of hearts in unity of love will release everything that is on God’s heart for the region!

Prophetic Assignment on Mount Hermon – 27th March 2022

On Sunday 27th March, Rania went to pray over the northern borders of Israel with a few sisters. They prayed for God’s protection over the land in response to a vision in which they had seen tent pegs being driven into the ground over the northern borders of Israel. They took with them prophetic elements – bread, wine, salt, oil and a tent peg, asking for confirming signs from God. The exact time that they stepped out of the car was 2:22 and they noticed a horse in the street nearby where they had parked. They prayed Isaiah 22:22, Daniel 2:21-22, Joel 2:21-22 and wrote those verses on the tent peg before striking it into the ground.

The very moment that they began to pray for the northern borders, another horse appeared and started to neigh like the sound of war. After praying, they went to check where the horse came from. It was in an enclosure and had climbed a steep hill to see Rania and her group, looking directly at them (you can see the steep bank it climbed in the photo below). The Lord was confirming that He was with them and releasing the angelic hosts with chariots to be stationed at the borders. They prayed and declared that there will be a highway between Assyria and Egypt passing through that area (Isaiah 19:23) and that reconciliation and healing will take place.

Prophetic Journey to Mount Gilboa

Rania went with several Jewish sisters to Mount Gilboa, continuing the prophetic journeys to the seven mountains of Israel started in response to a vision in December 2018.

Prophetic Journey to Mount Precipice

In response to the Angel of Awakening Vision, Rania traveled with a dear sister, Margaret Abu Ghazalah to Mount Precipice during Passover Week. Rania blew a trumpet from the mountain and declared the release of the angelic hosts and awakening over the land of Israel. They used the staff to ask the Lord to part the sea for freedom for all the peoples of Israel, both Jewish and Arab. Especially for the restoration of freedoms that are being lost in the governmental response to COVID 19.

Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim

Continuing the journey to the seven mountains of Israel, six Jewish and Arab women traveled to Mount Kabir in the region of Elon Moreh. Mount Kabir is 745m above sea level and to the north-east of Shechem. This mountain is surrounded by Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim, the mountains from which the tribes of Israel were instructed to pronounce blessings and curses in Deuteronomy 27. This was a continuation of the journey that had begun in 2019, following God’s prophetic word to Rania (7 Mountains Vision).

Mount Kabir has a view overlooking the river of Tirzah. Tirzah was one of the five daughters of Zelophehad who received an inheritance in Israel (Numbers 27). We prayed over Shechem and the entire region, asking God to release blessings from Mount Gerizim. We asked God for the harvest in this area and for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit – our visit was a few days before Pentecost.

We took communion together and declared that the Lord would remove any curse of bloodshed over the land and replace it with a blessing from both Jew and Arab. That morning, I, Rania had been awakened at 4:44 am. I understood that the Lord was asking me to declare the return of his glory from the northern gate:

“Then the man brought me by way of the north gate to the front of the temple. I looked and saw the glory of the Lord filling the temple of the Lord, and I fell facedown.”

Ezekiel 44:4

We also declared:

“For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground;

I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.

They will spring up like grass in a meadow, like poplar trees by flowing streams.”

Isaiah 43:3-4

Prayer Journey to Mount Hermon

On March 15th, seven women – three Arabs, three Jews and an English Gentile –  came together for a prayer journey to Mount Hermon in the North of Israel. Our purpose was to continue the journey to the seven mountains of Israel that had begun in 2019, following God’s prophetic word to Rania (7 Mountains Vision). The 5th and highest mountain, Mount Hermon was yet to be accomplished.
During this time of the global coronavirus (COVID-19), we felt it was important to visit the highest mountain in Israel. The name corona comes from the Latin for the word crown, thus we were led to go to the highest place in Israel and crown Jesus as King over the land of Israel and all the nations of the earth.
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the Lord commanded the blessing— life forevermore.

Psalm 133

First we came together and broke bread. The Lord had told me to blow a shofar and to arrive before 2.22pm. So we prepared our hearts to reach the top of Mount Hermon about half an hour beforehand and then blew the shofar at 2.22pm. See video below.

[Since the beginning of the year, God had been speaking to me about the numbers 222. For example, Revelation 22:2 where the river of life flows. God had told me to blow the shofar and declare over the highest mountain that the Lord will release His dew and the waters of life to clean and heal our land.]

We also took with us the prophetic elements of water, oil, salt, bread and wine.

We stood and prayed and interceded. With the shofar blowing, we declared: 

“Lift up your heads, you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is He, this King of glory? The Lord Almighty—He is the King of glory.”

Psalm 24:9-10,

We repented for divisions in the church, unforgiveness and racism. As Arabs, Jews and Gentiles together, we began to ask the Lord to heal the land. We repented for lukewarmness in the church and declared our love for the land, pledging allegiance to the Lord. We repented for the evil alliances between governments which had allowed a plague to come. We prayed for a deeper unity and that the Lord would shake the evil thrones as He is now doing and instead establish His kingdom which will rule over these governments. We prayed for righteous alliances between nations, that God’s throne will be established in these governments and founded on righteousness, truth and justice.

“I was watching in the night visions, and behold, One like the Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought Him near before Him. Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, And His kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed.”

 Daniel 7:13 &14

In a prophetic act, we took the crown and crowned the LORD over the highest mountain and declared Daniel 7: 9-13 & 21-28. As we held up the crown, the clouds parted in the sky above us and the sun shone.

We prayed for the healing of the land, for a release of the river of healing over governments and over the coronavirus. God had spoken to me beforehand to bring a specific bottle of oil that had been given to me in 2019. So I took this oil which is in a glass bottle shaped like a crown that had been a gift from a Jewish sister and was made according to the recipe in Exodus 30. Then, to my amazement, one of the Jewish sisters there with me explained the meaning of the name of the giver of the oil – her name is Tal Aharoni. Aharoni comes from the name Aaron, from the priestly tribe and Tal means dew (Psalm 133).

We poured the oil and the wine on the ground and sprinkled the salt as preservation and a reminder of God’s covenant. We built an altar to the Lord.

Vision: the Lion & the 7 Mountains – December 2018

“The Lord roars from Zion, and utters his voice from Jerusalem, and the heavens and the earthquake. But the Lord is a refuge to his people, a stronghold to the people of Israel.”

Joel 3:16

At the end of our 40 days of fasting that we began on November 11th, and ended December 21st, I saw a vision in our Friday night youth meeting.

I saw a vision of the Lion of Judah jumping on the seven mountaintops of Israel. There was a candlestick on the top of each mountain, and when the Lion roared over each mountain it lit up the candle that was on it with fire. I saw seven candles lit atop the seven mountains, it formed a menorah of seven candles on fire. Then I heard the Lord saying to me, “watch me in these next seven months.” I feel the Lord is going to light up the candles atop the seven mountains in Israel, and that the Lord is asking for my & others partnership to do this.

We are going to begin to see a move of the Holy Spirit in the land like never before. This is the year 5779, and nine represents the nine gifts of the Spirit and the nine fruits of the Spirit. The Lord is saying that He is going to release the fullness of the Spirit and the seven spirits of God to the land.

“And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.”

Isaiah 11:2

These are the mountains I feel the Lord has been highlighting to me to go and pray on:

* Mount Gilboa
* Mount Precipice
* Mount Carmel
* Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal
* Mount Zion
* Mount Hermon
* Mount Tabor

I’ve shared the vision with two Jewish women & another Arab woman. The four of us will go to these mountains to pray, to partner with the Lord in prayer and intercession, and to do the prophetic acts He leads us to do. We will see these candlesticks lit up again! The Lord showed me He is about to restore and take back the high places of Israel.

When a lion roars, one of the major things that happens is a shaking that the vibration of his sound creates. It says in Joel 3:16 when the Lord roars there will be shakings and earthquakes. Also, when a lion roars he is claiming back his property and declaring the borders of his dominion. When the Lion of the Tribe of Judah roars, He is declaring victory over His enemies and releasing fear and trembling in the camps of the enemies.

The Lord has highlighted to us Ezekiel 6 and 36 when Ezekiel prophecies over the mountains of Israel. The Lord is asking His people to turnaround and return to Him with all their hearts. This turning will cause idols to fall first from the hearts of His people, Israel, and then the Lord will be able to take back the mountains. On top of the mountains, often times sacrifices to idols took place. The Lord is wanting to deal with the sin of idolatry, compromise, and complacency amongst His people. He is wanting to take back the high places so that His Name and His Name alone will be lifted up over the nation of Israel.

The candlesticks represent the seven spirits of God on the menorah which is the work and move of the Holy Spirit. The menorah is the symbol of the nation of Israel, and He wants to light up the candles on this menorah again. An enlightenment of the hearts of the people of the land is coming, and the people of this land are going to see their Messiah. He is the only way, the truth, and the light. I believe that God wants to bring a great harvest of Jewish and Arab souls this year. As the Lion roars, He proclaims that no one will touch His people and that they belong to him and him alone!