Would you please prayerfully consider giving a first fruits gift to HOPE Nazareth? We are so grateful for the support and partnership of our friends from around the world. These seeds are growing and bringing forth fruit in Nazareth, Israel and the nations.
Thank you for sowing into our people and the land of Israel!
Tax Deductible Options:
For those in Canada, if you need a Canadian receipt please write the cheque to “VCRF” and write “Nazareth HOPE” in the memo and send it to the following address:
15418 110A Ave
Surrey, BC
V3R 0X4
In the United States
Tax-deductible donations for HOPE can be made through Fire For the Nations. In the “Memo Line” please write: “To Rania Sayegh – HOPE”. Checks may be made payable to “Fire For the Nations”, Please send your donation to:
Fire For The Nations
P. O. Box #54
Monroeville, PA, USA 15146
To make online donations from US, please donate via the link to Paypal at “Fire for the nations” website here, please specify the purpose of your donation by choosing from the three options: “HOPE General”, “HOPE building operations” or “HOPE building purchase fund.”
For those in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland you can donate through Philippus-Dienst organization, tax-deductible donations available for those living in Germany only. Please specify that your donations are designated to House Of Prayer and Exploits:
P.S.K. IBAN: At79 6000 0000 9210 7698
IBAN: CH61 0900 0000 4033 3542 7
Donations in the UK:
Please make cheques payable to “Your People My People” or “YPMP” and note that your gift is for HOPE. Mail to Your People My People, PO Box 66, Swaffham PE37 9AW. Email: info@yourpeoplemypeople.org for a Gift Aid form.
For Money wire for HOPE Non-profit in Israel, please find the following info:
Bank Name: Leumi
Bank number:10
Branch number:964
Account number :309000/48
IBAN code is: IL85 0109 6400 0003 0900 048
bank address: Eksal St. 9, Nazareth, 16081, Israel